MS2: The Report
50% of your final AS marks! Three pieces of linked work: A pre-production reflecting research and demonstrating planning techniques (20%) A production piece, developed from the pre-production work (40%) A report of 1200 – 1600 words (40%)
Report (1400-1600 words) AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes, and when evaluating your own practical work, to show how meanings and responses are created. AO4: Demonstrate the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research.
Parts 1 and 2 AO4: Demonstrate the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research. Outline the research for your PRE-PRODUCTION. Identify (with justification) your genre and target audience. Analyse existing media products (similar to your intended pre-production pieces) Conduct audience research Explain how all of this research informs your pre-production.
Part 3 AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes, and when evaluating your own practical work, to show how meanings and responses are created. The second 750 words of your report will consist of: Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your PRODUCTION
Introduction Write down what you are going to create. Identify its genre and target audience. E.g. What is the genre? Who is the target audience? What examples of texts are you going to study? Can you see the possibility of offering something new to this genre?
Introduction: Example My task was to create the promotional materials (posters and DVD cover) for a new action film. The action genre has a focus on violence and suspense, usually with a central (and often male) protagonist. This is primarily aimed at teenagers and young men, aged 15-40. Successful examples of this genre include the Jason Bourne franchise and the recent Indonesian-set film The Raid (Redemption), which formed the basis of my research.
Introduction My task was to create... (summarise the brief) The... genre has a focus on... (briefly discuss narrative and iconography here, but you can also refer to gender. Limit this to ONE SENTENCE here.) This is primarily aimed at... Successful examples of this genre include..., which formed the basis of my research.
Paragraph One Explain in more detail who your target audience is. Justify your ideas. Explore the appeal of these texts for this audience, referring to: Demographics The Uses and Gratifications theory Any other theory from the first half term
Social Grade Social Status Occupation upper middle class higher managerial, administrative or professional B middle class intermediate managerial, administrative or professional C1 lower middle class supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional C2 skilled working class skilled manual workers D working class semi and unskilled manual workers E those at lowest level of subsistence state pensioners or widows (no other earner), casual or lowest grade workers
Paragraph One Plan: There are many reasons why .... are attracted to these texts/this genre/find this genre appealing. Firstly, if we consider the text’s Uses and Gratifications... Secondly... As well as this, the genre may also offer audiences a sense of... Example: There are many reasons why young men in the C1 demographic are attracted to this genre. Firstly, if we consider the text’s Uses and Gratifications (Blumler & Katz, 1974), we could see that young men are more likely to find models for behaviour in the powerful and resourceful male protagonist, usually found in these films. Secondly, they may be gratified by escaping into the action-packed narratives. As well as this, these films offer a sense of intensity and energy that men often crave, but find lacking in their daily lives (Dyer, 1992).
Paragraph Two PRINT Iconography Narrative codes Typography Mode of address Images/Visual Codes Composition Lighting Setting Representation MOVING IMAGE Mise-en-scene Narrative codes Editing/Transitions Audio Codes Images/Visual Codes Lighting Shot types/Composition Setting
Paragraph Two-Three What features do your style models share? (Be SPECIFIC) What do they connote/signify? How do they appeal to the target audience? (Avoid repeating yourself) What have you done in your pre-production to apply (or reinvent) this? Iconography is central to action film posters, where the props signify violence and a state of disequilibrium. In the posters for The Bourne Legacy and The Raid, for examples, both protagonists are seen holding guns. This is central to creating the sense of intensity and escapism, essential for action films. It is not every day that the audience will see a gun and they can expect to escape into tense, dramatic and explosive situations, which are more interesting than their daily routines. The poster for The Raid offers more intense, savage iconography such as framing the characters behind a cracked pane of glass, as well as the presence of blood. This indicates to the audience that this film’s violence will be more gruesome, appealing to many men’s fascination with gore, but also indicating that the film is not appropriate for younger viewers (confirmed by its 18 certificate). In my poster, I decided to have my central character holding a gun, looking as if he is about to take a shot. This will appeal to the audience’s desire for an intense narrative, but also creates an enigma, as the viewer will not know who the target is. Its lack of blood, however, confirms that its target audience can include slightly younger viewers. In addition to the props, the lighting is also central to the genre, especially the action genre’s reliance on low-key lighting...
Paragraph Four Who or what is being represented in an interesting way? Gender? Place? Etc. How has this representation been constructed? How have the audience been positioned? Why may they have chosen this representation? Does it conform to or subvert stereotypes or theory? What have you done in your pre-production to apply (or reinvent) this? The Bourne Legacy poster reinforces many stereotypes about men. For instance, the lighting on Renner’s bulging biceps supports the notion of men being powerful and dominant – in this case, constructing a genuine Proppian hero. The fact that he has a gun in his hand reinforces the notion that men are the characters who “do”, supporting John Berger’s observation that “Men act... women appear”. In choosing a male for my poster, I was aware that I was reinforcing these gender myths, as they appear central to the genre’s tradition.
Paragraph Five What has your audience research told you? How will you apply this? Support your ideas with numbers/statistics. Explain how you have applied your findings in your pre-production. My audience research also led me to some interesting conclusions. I found out that although the action genre is primarily aimed at men, just over half of the women in my focus group also expressed an interest in the genre. However, 25% of the women asked claimed that it was the attractiveness of the male star that was key to gaining their interest, rather than the film’s story. In my poster, therefore, I chose to use a male who this secondary audience would be likely to find attractive.
MS2: Report Part 2
AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes, and when evaluating your own practical work, to show how meanings and responses are created.
Introduction How successfully have you achieved the aims you mentioned in your introduction? How have you achieved this?
Part 1 Decide on how you’ve used a key concept within your product eg. representation or narrative. Evaluate how successfully you’ve achieved your intended meaning through this Compare it to existing media products
Part 2 Decide on how you’ve used a conventions of the form within your product eg. images or layout Evaluate how successfully you’ve achieved your intended meaning through this Compare it to existing media products
Conclusion ‘Ultimately…’ How successfully have you created the tone/atmosphere etc. you discuss in the first half of your report? Is there anything you could improve on? Why? How?
Deadlines You will get the marked first half of your report back on Wednesday Your full, typed report is due at the BEGINNING OF THE LESSON on Monday 14th Dec Your folder should include your coursework proposal, your preproduction, your production and your full report and is due in at the END of the lesson on Weds 16th