Transdisciplinary Theme: How the World Works Grade: 3 Dates of planner instruction: April – May 2018 KEY CONCEPTS: Form: What is it like? Causation: Why is it like it is? Change: How is it changing? - Systems - Patterns - Growth - Cycles - Sequences An inquiry into the natural world and its laws. WHAT’S HAPPENING… Central Idea Lines of Inquiry Approaches to Learning Related concepts: The cycles of nature. The sequence of and within cycles. How humans and cycles of nature interact with one another -The Natural World Operates in Cycles -Thinking Skills -Research Skills Please help your child understand this concept by looking around and talking about the natural cycles found all around us. Then discuss how we can have an impact these cycles.
Success Criteria for This Unit What You Can Do With Your Child at Home Talk about the Learner Profile Attributes and Attitudes Students will strive to be: Important Dates: * Half Day 4/26 * No School 4/27 * Field Trip Days: Fogle/Trujillo 5/1 Scott/Tate 5/8 * Before and After School Programs end April 25th * Color Run May 4th * Field Day May 18th * Last Day of School May 24th Remember: *Students can not be on school grounds before 7:55 before there is no supervision *Students are more successful when they are at school as much as possible, attendance is important! - Inquirers - Thinkers - Knowledgeable (Learner Profile attributes show who we are on the inside) - Curiosity Independence Creativity (Attitudes are what we show the world through our actions) Students should demonstrate: Success Criteria for This Unit Students will Ask: What does it mean to be an inquirer? How does the Earth’s surface change? How do plants reproduce and what role do humans play in the cycle? How do other mammals’ life cycles compare and contrast to the human life cycle? What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis in the insect life cycle? How are the life cycles of reptiles and amphibians similar and different? What are other cycles in nature?