My reasons for saying this is are… Individual I agree with….. But, I don’t agree with… My reasons for saying this is are…
But, we don’t agree with… Group Discussion We agree with….. But, we don’t agree with… Our reasons for saying this is are…
Plant life cycles 1 - pollination Jane Pollen is sometimes transferred to flowers of other plants by insects such as bees. Jo Pollen is sometimes transferred to other flowers by the wind. Carl Pollen is sometimes transferred to flowers of other plants by raindrops. Pete Some plants pollinate themselves. Jane: Pollen is sometimes transferred to flowers of other plants by insects such as bees. This is correct. Plants have evolved brightly coloured flowers with scent and nectar (a sugary liquid often at the base of petals) in order to attract insects such as bees. The pollen grains stick to the hairs and body of the insect and are transferred to the stigma (which is often sticky) of other plant flowers of the same species. Jo: Pollen is sometimes transferred to other flowers by the wind. This is correct. For example, grasses transfer their pollen in this way. They, therefore, don’t have brightly coloured petals or nectar. Carl: Pollen is sometimes transferred to flowers of other plants by raindrops. This is possible but not a significant way in which pollen is transferred. It is debated by botanists – for example, see and Pete: Some plants pollinate themselves. This is correct – a significant number of plants pollinate themselves.
Plant life cycles 2 – seed production Jane If pollen doesn’t reach the flower, seeds will still be made after some time. Jo The flower has to be pollinated before it can make seeds. Carl I think this dandelion could pollinate a poppy. Pete To make seeds, a flower has to be pollinated by pollen from the same type of plant. Jane: If pollen doesn’t reach the flower, seeds will still be made after some time. This is incorrect. The pollen contains the male gamete (sex cell) needed for fertilisation of the female gamete. Jo: The flower has to be pollinated before it can make seeds. This is correct. Carl: I think this dandelion could pollinate a poppy. This is incorrect as dandelions and poppies are different species. Pete: To make seeds, a flower has to be pollinated by pollen from the same type of plant.