The Proper View Of Leadership The Role of Woman, Wife
The Role of Woman, Wife Married – 1 Peter 3:1-6 “Submissive” (3:1, 5) – hupotasso (hupo, “under,” tasso, “to arrange”) was primarily a military term, which meant “to rank under”, it denotes “to put in subjection, to subject” (Vine’s). The wife subjects herself
The Role of Woman, Wife Married – 1 Peter 3:1-6 Be chaste (2): hagnos – pure from every fault, immaculate; CLEAR, HOLY, PURE. Hagios – holy, …free from admixture of evil. Have fear (2): fobos – reverence, respect for authority, rank & dignity.
The Role of Woman, Wife Married – 1 Peter 3:1-6 Be gentle (4): praus – mild, meek, having a soothing disposition. Be quiet (4): hesuchios – tranquility arising from within, causing no disturbance to others. Be submissive & obedient to your husband (5-6), just as Sarah was to Abraham (Genesis).
The Role of Woman, Wife Assembly: Married or Unmarried – 1 Tim 2:8-15 Her clothing is to reflect her spiritual profession (9-10). Her attitude is to be that of quiet submission to the man (11-12) – the reason (13-14). Her ambition is to bear children & to continue growing in faith, love, holiness & self- cont (15).
The Role of Woman, Wife Assembly: Married or Unmarried – 1 Tim 2:8-15 2:11-12 – Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. The word “silence” (12) is hesuchia (1 Pet 3:4), which means quietness, tranquility arising from within, causing no disturbance to others. Aquila & Pricilla taught Apollos privately (Acts 18)
The Role of Woman, Wife Assembly: Married or Unmarried – 1 Cor 14:33-37 14:34-35 – Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. 35 …for it is shameful for women to speak in church. The word “silent” (34) is sigao, which means to keep silent; to hold ones peace.
The Role of Woman, Wife Application – Women are not elders, deacons or teach- ers of men (1 Tim 3:2, 11-12; 2:11-12). Phoebe was a servant in the church at Cenchrea (diokanon; Rom 16:1) in the same way any Christian woman may provide a service (cf. Phil 4:2-3). Deacons in an official capacity were always men (Acts 6; 1 Tim 3:11-12)
The Role of Woman, Wife Application – Women should not be in most business (Elders/Deacons) meetings. The “whole church” gathered to hear the apostles & elders discuss a matter that would establish the “TRUTH” or the will of God (Acts 15:6, 22). Business meetings do not establish the “TRUTH”, they establish (or attempt to) the best of human judgment to carry out the will of God (a male leadership role).
The Proper View Of Leadership A perfect understanding of the perfect roles ordained of God