A reading strategy for Fiction POLICE A reading strategy for Fiction
Point of View Who is telling the story? 1st/2nd/3rd person. How is their cultural experience reflected in the story? What is the time and place of the story? Do you trust the narrator of the story?
Order of events Identify the order of events in the story. Are the events logically related, or does something happen that you didn’t expect? What is the most important event in the story (climax?). Are there events in the story that you feel are unimportant? Why do you think they are included?
Language Determine the meaning of words that you don’t know. Determine the meaning of phrases that don’t make sense to you. Are any words or phrases repeated in the story? What is their significants? How does the word choice reflect the tone of the story? Tone: the author’s attitude towards the topic.
Ideas of the story(THEME) What is the central idea, or theme, of the story? Is it a perception about human nature or something else? How does the main characters change reveal the central idea? Is the central idea stated directly or is it implied? How does the sequence of events in the story develop the central idea?
Character development How do each of the characters develop over the course of the story? How do each of the characters interact with the other characters? Who is the protagonist and antagonist of the story? Did the protagonist change, or learn something, at the end?
Evidence All elements of POLICE must be supported with evidence. Evidence is a direct quotation from the story. Evidence is a paraphrased idea from the story. You must explain the link between the POLICE element and the evidence.
https://www. youtube. com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ripQ9jJnw1c the grasshopper and the ants Point of view Determine how an author’s point of view is reflected in the text. Time and place. Order Analyze how an author chooses to order the events in a text. Language Determine the meaning of key words and phrases Ideas Analyze how the main idea is developed over the course of the text. Characters How is the main character developed. How does he/she interact with other characters. Evidence – Provide textual evidence for all answers.
POV – 3rd person narrator. Views ants/hard work favorably. Order of Events: -Ants storing seeds & grasshopper playing in the spring. -Ants storing wheat & grasshopper playing in the summer. -Ants storing corn and grasshopper playing in the autumn. -Winter came and ants were fine but grasshopper was miserable. Language – “It’s going to be long winter with lots of snow.” “Why worry about the winter. Its still spring/summer” Idea of the story (theme) – Work today for what you will need tomorrow. Characters: Ants – hard working and planning ahead. Grasshopper – Fat, lazy, thinks only of the moment. Realized his mistake.