Immaculate Conception Parish Advent – Christmas Schedule 2018 Sunday Mass Schedule 5:00PM Saturday (Anticipated) 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM Sunday Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30 AM Saturday 9:00 AM Through Our annual Christmas Giving Tree Program reaches out to needy families Sunday December 16 in Sussex County. All packages must be brought to the Church no later than Sunday December 16th, to be delivered in time for Christmas. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 2 Oplatek (Christmas wafers) available in front of altar during the Advent Season Christmas Decoration Memorials To remember a loved one in a special way, contributions are being gratefully accepted toward Christmas Flowers, Trees, Wreaths and other Christmas decorations for the Church. Names to be remembered will be listed in the Christmas bulletin on Sunday, December 23. To ensure publication, please put your offering envelope in a Sunday collection or return to the Rectory NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 PLEASE PRINT NAMES FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION – HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION December 7 (Friday) 7:00 PM – Mass, Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 8 (Saturday) 8:40 AM – Recitation of the Rosary 9:00 AM – Mass Refreshments following Mass, courtesy of Legion of Mary December 11 (Tuesday) 7:00 PM Parish Reconciliation Service (Sacrament of Reconciliation) December 23 (Sunday), beginning after 11:30am Mass Decorating the Church for Christmas ALL ARE WELCOME! CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve (Monday, December 24) 5:00 PM Mass Children of the Parish 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM Midnight Mass in Polish Christmas Day (Tuesday, December 25) Masses at 7:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY December 30 (Sunday) Regular Saturday Evening & Sunday Mass Schedule Blessing of Couples at all Masses SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD January 1 (Monday) 10:00AM - Mass FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD January 6 (Sunday) Regular Saturday Evening & Sunday Mass Schedule 9:30AM Mass Blessing of babies (children under the age of 2)