Charter Incentive Program Scheme 2017/2018 Airport Incentive 100% discount on airport landing fee for all international charter operations regardless of the aircraft type All international flights to Rio de Janeiro other than those reported under scheduled seasonal or year round flights, operated by regular airlines, non regular airlines or tour operators, with the main objective to bring tourists to Brazil. RIOgaleão reserve the right to modify, exclude or revoke the conditions of this Agreement at any moment, without explanation, by means of notification through its communication channels thirty (30) days prior to the change and/or exclusion. Incentive valid for charters requesting slots from Nov 2017 onwards with flight date before 31/12/2018 - unless prolonged / changed by the Parties. To be eligible for this incentive program and receive further details, the interested party must request the incentive formally to RIOgaleão, Swissport and Gategourmet via email at least 30 days prior to the flight date Terms and conditions Contact Companies eligible for this program must meet all the requirements, sign and submit the Agreement to RIOgaleão. Contact for submitting expressions of interest in the program, sending documents and any further information: RIOgaleão reserves the right to modify or erase the terms of this agreement at any time, without cause or notice, by publishing a notice through their communication channels 30 days prior to the modification or erasure.