Mansa Musa Grade 7 *
Mansa Musa Himself Mansa Musa was the proud ruler of the Mali Empire for 25 years. He lead the Mali Empire to fame. He kept the empire strong. Then his son ruled when he died and his son could not deffend the Empire for long
Mansa Musa Mali’s most famous king A Muslim Under rule Mali reached wealth, power, & fame Islam spread Ruled for 25 years *
Conquered trade cities Timbuktu Gao Djenne Became part of Mali’s empire *
Mecca Mansa Musa went to Mecca on hajj Stopped in Cairo Had 100 camel & nearly 60,000 men Each camel w/ 300 lbs of gold Gave out so much gold no longer rare *
The world Learns About Mali Religion was a huge part of the Mali Empire. In fact there leader Mansa Musa took a spiritual journey or hajj to Mecca in 1324. His first stop was in Egypt, He stopped with nearly 100 camels that were loaded with 300 lbs. of gold each. Around 60,000 men traveled with him. A historian that spoke to Mansa Musa said that he was very nice
Learning and Religion in Mali Mansa Musa supported education just as much as he supported faith. thus he wanted Muslims to be able to read the Qur'an. He also wanted to spread the Islamic religion to west Africa.
His Doings Treated people w/ much courtesy & respect Supported faith & education Believed important to read & write Built schools Arabic became main language for: Religious Study Government Trade Hi *
More Info Hired architects to build Mosques This helped spread Islam Mosques became centers of learning Never forced Islam on anyone No official religion Died in 1337 Mansa = King or lord *