Arab Sustainable Development Report Task Force Progress Report (2017) and Work Plan (2018) Karima El Korri 21 November 2017
ASDR-2019 ASDR, a regional report on the 2030 Agenda in the Arab region Launch: AFSD-2019 and HLPF-2019 Periodicity: 4 years (first ADSR published in 2015) Lead: UN-ESCWA Contributors: Members of the RCM-R/UNDG 2030 Agenda WG Focus: Situation Report on SDGs in the Arab region ASDR-2019 will be a situation report on SDGs in the Arab region and not be a progress report, with future ASDRs to assess progress as data post-2015 becomes available ASDR-2019 will not be the only report or review output produced in/on the Arab region, but will aim to review all 17 SDGs, targets, and indicators (SDG mainly) for which data is available or can be gathered ASDR-2019 should not try to replace but rather complement thematic reports, annual or biennial report, sub-regional reports or other regional reports reviewing one or more SDGs prepared and roduced by ESCWA or other agencies ASDR-2019 preparation process should be inclusive, with ESCWA taking the lead in the overall coordination of its various components.
AFSD-2018 Going Forward Task Force: Membership finalized by 30 November Lead: ESCWA First Meeting 12 December 2017 (webex) Discuss proposed methodology Review options and discuss draft chapter template Agree on working modalities, responsibilities, key milestones and contributions Second Meeting January 2018 (face to face) Finalize outline Identify contributors and prepare ToRs for external experts as necessary Third Meeting As agreed by TF when setting timeframe and milestones