Physical Education The Role of the Assistant in Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Class
What is Physical Education Physical Education is defined as the development of: Physical and motor fitness Fundamental motor skills and patterns Skills in aquatics, dance and individual and group games and sports
The Law All CMS students MUST participate in physical education or adapted physical education There are NO exemptions The IEP team determines whether the student will participate in general PE or adapted PE based on recommendations from the APE department. PE and daily physical activity may NOT be withheld as a form of punishment or because classwork is not done.
Expectations of the Assistant in PE Attend PE and actively assist the student with instruction Dress appropriately – tennis shoes Supervise student Communicate with the PE teacher
Active Participation Be on time Preferential seating Interaction with gen ed peers Maximize student involvement in activities
What to Wear? Does student need help dressing out for PE? Dress out in alternate setting Set an example –wear tennis shoes, dress appropriately so that you can move. Cell phones?!?!
Be prepared for PE! Tennis shoes are recommended, high heels are NOT! Cell phones are not user friendly in PE. Its best to leave them in the room while you work with the students!
Supervision Accompany student to PE and remain throughout class Levels of supervision Behavior Plan? Knowledge of rules/procedures in PE
Communication Staff Communication Communicate regularly with PE staff and peers Student Communication Repeat instructions in simple terms Use visual symbols/schedule Demonstration
Strategies for Participation The PE teacher knows the activity, You know the student and may have suggestions for modifications. Bigger, softer balls Closer distance More repetitions Simplify rules
Resources Adapted PE staff PT staff Classroom teacher Students
CMS Adapted PE Staff Marie Slusser – Lead APE Kathy Jaeck Jolanda Hengstman Amy Clark ( ½ time APE, ½ time Metro) Phone: Location: EC Satellite Office