Interim TB/HIV Document Jeroen van Gorkom KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation 3rd TB/HIV Working Group
Background Governments have been slow in responding to TB and/or HIV/AIDS threat Few countries with well-functioning (or documented) joint TB/HIV activities Increasing (inter-) national commitment to HIV/AIDS Care and Support = best opportunity for TB and HIV/AIDS programs to work together MOMENTUM ACTION SERVICES
Rationale Response to calls from countries on how to address TB/HIV in different settings:What ? When? Where? What? and How? addressed in Strategic Framework and Guidelines “Interim”, because for a number of interventions evidence is not strong We need a document for promotion and advocacy
Target audience Policy makers at National, State, Province, District level TB and HIV/AIDS programme managers Technical agencies and NGOs working in TB and HIV/AIDS Development Aid Agencies
Objective To provide guidance in decisions on priorities in policy, and strategic direction for both TB and HIV/AIDS programmes, in countries at different stages of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Expected output A document of 6-8 pages that: Is relevant to countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS and TB/HIV dual epidemics, and with differing resources Is short, comprehensive and easy to read (KISS) Is supported by both TB and HIV/AIDS community in WHO Advocates and promotes harmonization of the response of HIV/AIDS and TB programmes to the TB/HIV dual epidemic What? When? Why? Where?
Process and Time Frame First draft ready (May 2003): Done Critique and review by a writing committee (Early June): Done Presentation to STAG (End June) Wider circulation among stakeholders (Sept-Okt) Presentation at conferences and regional meetings, GFATM, Stop-TB Board, web-based discussion groups Finalisation (Nov-Dec) Publication 1st Quarter 2004
Feedback Provide max 2 page Exec. Summary Focus on practical actions/ interventions/ activities, and their sequencing Stress the need for strong and sufficiently resourced HIV/AIDS and TB programs but do not elaborate Include quantifiable targets reports Promote increasing resources
Feedback Be clear on expressions/ TB-HIV jargon Stress need for “harmonization” of TB in HIV/AIDS policy and HIV/AIDS in TB policy Do not promote new vertical programme Roles and responsibilities
Contents Know what the burden is and where it is Surveillance of HIV in TB patients Surveillance of TB in HIV
Contents Activities that decrease the impact of HIV on PLWTB Routine HIV testing and counselling CPT ART
Contents Activities to decrease the impact of TB on PLWH Intensified Case Finding in VCT centres, HIV clinics, support groups, prisons, contacts etc. IPT for PLWH without active TB
Contents Activities that deal with the impact of TB and HIV on communities Home- and Community Based Care for PLWHA and PLWTB
Contents Activities that strengthen the health sector response in dealing with TB and HIV/AIDS HRD IEC patients, clients, community Coordination M&E