CSI: Buena Forensic Footwear Evidence
Helps prove identities of suspects Most common evidence Gives information about suspects (print analysis) Can be as specific as a fingerprint
Footwear Evidence Forensic Footwear Evidence comes in at least three forms: Footwear outsole impressions (Shoeprint) Footwear insole impressions (Inside shoe) Footwear trace evidence
Footwear Outsole Evidence Footprint Impressions left on an object that was caused by contact with a piece of footwear. Ground Doors Walls Other people Latent Impressions
Footwear Insole Impressions and Footwear Trace Evidence Insole Impressions – inside shoe Imprints left inside of footwear caused by contact from the persons foot. This evidence is usually used to link a person to footwear. Footwear Trace Evidence Trace evidence removed from footwear. (ie, skin, glass fragments, body hair, fibers, etc)
Examination of footwear Footwear impression can be used by examiners to obtain the following information: Footwear manufacturer (Nike, Adidas, New Balance) model (Air Jordan) size (7, 9, 11) Approximate height and weight of wearer What the person was doing when print was made
Did you know? The Unabomber was known to keep shoes with smaller soles attached to confuse investigators A persons shoe size is approximately 15% of their height. 3 different databases: SICAR, FIT, FSS
Photo of a suspects shoe
Test impressions made with a suspects shoes.