Happy Thursday! You need a pen/pencil and a sheet of paper out You may also have out any notes you took from your reading
Intelligence (Raymond Cattell) Crystallized intelligence- our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; increases with age Fluid intelligence- our ability to make decisions quickly and think abstractly; decreases with age
Gender Differences Testing of Scottish 11 year-olds Girls- 100.6, Boys-100.5 Girls (typically) are better spellers, more verbally fluent, better at locating objects, detecting emotions and more sensitive to touch/taste/color Boys (typically) are better at spatial ability and complex math problems; mental ability scores vary more than girls *More boys in special education, 4:1 score 700 or higher on SAT Math
Stereotype Threat (Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson) A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype - Reduced effort, disengaged, change of goals “A woman may fail to reach her career goal of being a scientist because of how she changes her behavior in response to perceptions about her own gender.” “When test instructors emphasized the role of race before the test, Black students performed worse than White students. When instructors did not emphasize race, Black and White students performed equally well.”
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) First proposed by Edward Thorndike *Social Intelligence Ability to perceive, understand, manage and use emotions Self-aware
Reading: 373-391!
Brain Games: Battle of the Sexes Record your answers and the outcomes of each challenge!