BBB4M – International Business Mr. Italiano
BBB4M – International Business General comments about the course Requires desire to learn Willingness to put forth an effort Commitment to complete work assignments and projects Media awareness - requires that you read the newspaper and other sources of business information Outcome – more knowledgeable consumer and global citizen Lisgar Collegiate Institute
BBB4M – International Business Course selection rationale Increase awareness of world events in a business context World is changing at rapid pace impacts all of us Globalization is a reality (benefits debated) Interconnected world economies – increasing Relevant – Canada’s economic future – your future! – depends on its ability to export goods + services Lisgar Collegiate Institute
BBB4M – International Business Improve your knowledge about basic economics Become a better informed consumer and global citizen Try to understand how international trade and business works Determine whether or not business in a career possibility for you Preparation for biz courses at university or college General interest in world affairs My best friend is taking it too I need a credit Lisgar Collegiate Institute