Om te LUISTER Openbaring 10
Alida Bothma
“Reading puts the solid food into our mouths, meditation chews it and breaks it down, prayer obtain the flavour of it, and contemplation is the very sweetness which makes us glad and refreshes us” – Guigo
“receiving the words in such a way that they become interior to our lives, the rhythms and images becoming practices of prayer, acts of obedience, ways of love” – Peterson
HOOR: Openbaring 10 Ses boeke in Openbaring Sewe briewe – hfst 1-3 Boek van die lewe/Lam – hfst 3,13,17,20,21 Plan van God met die geskiedenis – hfst 5 Evangelie boodskap – hfst 10 Joernaal van alle mense se dade – hfst 20 Openbaring self – hfst 22
Johannes moet die boek gaan haal en eet Soet Bitter
HOOR Lees Mediteer Bid Geniet
LEEF: BESPREEK Evarings Vrae
Opmerkings oor Lectio Divina Sola Scriptura Wetenskaplik lees As Woord van God lees Word ’n poort na God se wêreld Lees op beide maniere
MEDITATIO – om te ontvang