Warm Up 12/2 (part one) Copy the bolded portion only: The sestina is a tightly structured French verse form consisting of six sestets (six-line stanzas) and a three-line envoy. Widely acknowledged to be one of the most complicated of verse forms, the six terminal words of the first stanza (1-2-3-4-5-6) are repeated in a specific and complex pattern as the terminal words in each of the succeeding stanzas: 6-1-5-2-4-3 3-6-4-1-2-5 5-3-2-6-1-4 4-5-1-3-6-2 2-4-6-5-3-1 5-3-1 2-4-6
Warm Up 12/2 (part two) Copy the bolded portion only: Villanelle 1. It is a poem of nineteen lines, of a specific and complicated form. 2. It has five stanzas, each of three lines, with a final one of four lines (5 tercets and a quatrain). 3. The first line of the first stanza is repeated as the last line of the second and fourth stanzas. 4. The third line of the first stanza is repeated as the last line of the third and fifth stanzas. 5. These two refrain lines follow each other to become the second-to-last and last lines of the poem. 6. The rhyme scheme is aba. The rhymes are repeated according to the refrains.
Learning Targets To read examples of the sestina and villanelle. To use the SIFT method to analyze these poems. To determine the theme of each poem and to fill out the chart.
Independent Work Determine the THEME of each poem. Add both of today’s poems to the chart that you started yesterday in your journal