Points to Include throughout the presentation: Trophic cascade Carrying capacity Interspecific/intraspecific competition Density dependent/density independent factors (related to population growth) Keystone species Food web
The Return of Canis lupus? By: Ms. Henson
Objective What is the purpose of returning wolves to yellowstone? National Park Service/Yellowstone Wolf Project Reasoning
Expectations After Reintroduction What are the wolves going to do for the Yellowstone ecosystem? National Park Service/Yellowstone Wolf Project Expectations
Reintroduction Strategies How are they going to reintroduced into Yellowstone? How is this going to affect the farmers?
Reasons for Extinction What caused the wolves to go extinct in the first place? Why?
When is it time to reintroduce a species? Guidelines for reintroducing extinction species into previous habitats Reasons for reintroduction (check with National Park Service)
Support for reintroduction and Results Pros Positive results of reintroduction
Opposition for reintroduction and results Cons Negative results of reintroduction
Why are Yellowstone wolves important to the ecosystem?
The Plan What are you going to do? Monitor wolf populations? Captivity and release? Regulation? Compensation for farmers?
What can be done to support both sides? How can the national park service achieve the desired results of reintroduction, while making sure the farmers are protected and supported?
Should they really be reintroduced? What is the big picture? What do they really do for the ecosystem?
Sources MLA format of all sources used Make sure to cite your sources throughout the presentation