2017-2018 ANNUAL TITLE Grants MEETING Horizon Science Academy – Dayton High School
AGENDA What is Title Grants? Parent Rights under Title I Parent Involvement School Achievement Data Plans for Student Achievement Title I Funds Q&A
What is Title Grant? Title Grant is a program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. The program is intended to help ensure the students meet the state academic standards.
Goals of Title Grants Increase academic achievement Provide direct instructional support to students Provide professional development for teachers Promote parent education and involvement
Parent Rights Ask for meetings and trainings Review the result of annual parent involvement effectiveness survey Review the school’s achievement data Review the parent involvement plan
Parent Involvement The School provides parents with an opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. The school develops, monitors and evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement to implement programs and services that support students
Parent Involvement at our School Parent Nights Parents Workshops PTO P/T Conferences Home Visits Award Ceremonies Community Breakfast and Lunches
School Achievement Data Schools use data to align curriculum to state and district academic standards Schools adjust instructional practices based on the findings of the assessment data
Our School Performance Data Provide parents with the most current data and explain how the data were used to develop the goals and strategies in the Student Achievement Plan
Single Plan for Student Achievement Parents are informed about the school’s curriculum in English/Language Arts and Math, as well as other core subjects Parents also receive information about the assessments used to measure student progress in these academic areas.
Single Plan for Student Achievement Discuss the goals and planned strategies of the school site plan
Title Funds Federal Funds: Schools are allocated Title funds on the basis of the percentage of the students eligible for free/reduced lunch Schools receive Title funds if 40% of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. HSA Dayton HS is 100% Budget Local Fund Title I $ 339,028.37 Title III $ 3,562.23 Title IV-A $ 10,000.00 P.D.-Title II-A $ 77,746.00 IDEA-B $ 81,344.15 SIG Grant $ 50,000.00 $ 561,680.75
Federal Funds: Title I - Education for Disadvantaged Youth; Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended, provides financial assistance to districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Title II, Part A – Improving Teacher Quality This program is intended to increase student academic achievement by improving the quality of teachers and administrators. These funds are used for professional development expenditures.
Federal Funds: Title III – Limited English Proficient: This program is designed to improve the education of limited English proficient children and youth by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. The program provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth. Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment: These funds can be used for 1-Well Rounded Educational Opportunities such as improving access to foreign language, arts, and music education; 2-Safe and Healthy Students, such as promoting parent involvement in school, promoting school based mental health services; 3-Effective Use of Technology, such as building technological capacity and infrastructure, delivering rigorous academic courses and curricula using technology
Federal Funds: IDEA-Part B funds: These funds are to be used for the purpose of providing for the education and services of students with a disability, to strengthen education, drive reforms and improve results for students’ ages 3 through 21. The school’s expenditures under this grant are the salaries and benefits of Special Education Staff who are on payroll as well as Special Education expenses for the services rendered by Special Education service providers. The school can provide more details for the Sped services and staff members job duties
Federal Funds: School Improvement Grant: These funds are to be used for the purpose of providing for the education and services of students with a disability, to strengthen education, drive reforms and improve results for students’ ages 3 through 21. The school’s expenditures under this grant are the salaries and benefits of Special Education Staff who are on payroll as well as Special Education expenses for the services rendered by Special Education service providers.
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