Creating Systems of Student Support My background - Student of Student Support Services SAP/HPS - Work to Unify systems of support for all students - 1st time presenting this Lots of stuff, hard to get arms around it - Purpose - Not to tell you what to do, but rather….how to think about the provision of Student Support Change the “system” Governance (policies/procedures) + Philosophy Priority Overview of handout:
Presentation Goals Promote the development of a “system” of student support. Introduce the “Summit Initiative” including available resources. Elements of a proposed model at district & building level. Raise the level of importance ascribed to this function (not promoting that Schools provide Social Services, but believe we are in the best position to coordinate, identify needs) A basic premise of the Summit Initiative is that addressing barriers to learning is an important function of schools. The Summit Initiative may not be the only comprehensive model but it’s the only one with detailed implementation resources
Presentation Outline Current Status of Student Support efforts Overview of Mechanisms/Formats Forces at work Fragmentation & Marginalization A New Conceptual Framework (Summit Initiative) Interconnected Systems The “Three Component” Model The “Enabling Component” District & Building Planning Models Resources
Overview of Student Support Delivery Mechanisms/Formats School Financed Student Support Services Classroom-Based Curriculum and Special “Pull-Out” Interventions School District Specialized Units Formal Connections with Community Services Comprehensive, Multifaceted, and Integrated Approaches SSW’s, Psych’s, Guidance, Nursing, etc. Special Ed., Reading (Title I), also Mi Health Curriculum, (other “in-class” programs) Special programs with single focus, eg. Substance abuse/drug free school programs, special health clinics, pregnancy prevention, etc.. Public or private agency personnel in schools or special programs involving outside personnel. A few schools, involve systems of coordination/ oversight, ex. = “communities in schools” concept.
Forces At Work... Students presenting diverse needs requiring variety of resources. Schools charged with producing a wide range of products. Society demanding higher student achievement than ever before. (Natriello,, 1990)
Forces At Work (cont.)... Implement NCLB Implement IDEA Economy/Funding Issues Have any of you been busy with these things? A number of things that takes our eye off the ball: NCLB/Education Yes - Group Focus V. Individual Focus IDEA Forms & Procedures Discipline Issues Due Process Problems - Max. Potential Economy/Funding Program reductions (political issues) Hope w/NCLB/IDEA
Fragmented Student Support? Psychological Services Special Clinics HIV/AIDS Prevention Boys & Girls Club Special Education Health Services After-School Programs Nursing Services Health Education Violence & Crime Prevention Pupil Services Nutrition Education Juvenile Court Services School School Lunch Program Community-Based Programs One of my biggest frustrations as a Director of Student Services - missed opportunities for collaboration/funding Guidance Programs Mental Health Services Drug Prevention Social Services Discipline Procedures Subs. Abuse Assessment Family Counseling Pregnancy Prevention Protective Services IDEA Discipline Rules
Bigger Problem: Marginalization School District Organization & Operation School Improvement Planning (groups) Implementation of Special Education District level agenda vs building needs Basically…..conflicting agendas Need - unity of purpose
Systems for Positive Development Systems of Early Intervention Summit Initiative: Interconnected Systems School Resources Enrichment & recreation Health Education Drug & alcohol education Transition support Conflict resolution programs Positive Behavior Support Pregnancy prevention Violence prevention Dropout prevention Classroom accommodations Student Support Groups Special Education Remedial programs Counseling Services Violence Risk Assessment Community Resources Youth development programs Public health & safety programs Immunizations Recreation & enrichment Child abuse education Early id. of health problems Shelter, food, clothing Job programs Foster placement Various counseling services Parenting classes/programs Crisis Intervention Probation/incarceration Subsidies/SSI Hospitalization Systems for Positive Development & Systems of Prevention Systems of Early Intervention Basic Premise/Conceptual View Low Needs/High Needs Continuum Minimum Barriers/Significant Barriers MDE/PBS Project - 3 tiered approach concept Systems of Care
Three-Component Model for Reform and Restructuring Instructional Component (facilitate learning) What’s Missing? Student School Family Community Management Component (governance/resources)
Three-Component Model for Reform and Restructuring Instructional Component (facilitate learning) Enabling Component Student School Family Community “A comprehensive, multifaceted approach for addressing barriers to learning” - to address barriers to learning - enable individual students to learn Management Component (governance/resources)
“A comprehensive, multifaceted approach for addressing An Enabling Component - The Concept Range of Learners Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity Ready & able to learn No Barriers Desired Outcome Lacking prerequisites, minor vulnerabilities. Dif. learning styles Enabling Component “A comprehensive, multifaceted approach for addressing barriers to learning” Avoidant, very deficient capabilities, disability, complex family needs
The Enabling Component - Activity Clusters Classroom- focused enabling Crisis/ emergency assistance & prevention Student & family assistance Infrastructure -leadership -resource coord. -policy/procedure Community outreach/ volunteers Challenge - integrate w/SIP process In other words…..Inform the SIP process Transition support Home involvement in schooling
Programmatic activity to enhance classroom-based efforts to enable learning through such activities as… Classroom- focused enabling 1. Increasing Teachers’ effectiveness in accommodating wider range of individual differences. Determine individual student needs. Provide temporary out-of-class assistance to students. Identify needed resources to address student needs. Develop capabilities of para-educators, volunteers, etc..
Support for Transitions Programmatic activity designed to reduce the difficulties students experience from major life transitions. Some examples include…. Support for Transitions 1. New student arrival/enrollment. Articulation strategies to support grade level transitions or special education placement transitions. Before and after school activities. School to summer vacation activities. Elementary to middle school orientation activities.
A range of programs are included here. They include activities to…. Home Involvement in Schooling A range of programs are included here. They include activities to…. Address the learning and support needs of adults in the home. Help families learn how to support students with school work. Improve communication and connections between home and school/teachers Elicit partnerships from those at home to meet school and community needs.
Crisis Assistance and Prevention Schools must have the capacity to Respond to, minimize the impact of, And prevent crises. This requires systematic programs for…. Emergency response at a school or school/community. Minimize risk factors to prevent crises related to violence, suicide, and child abuse. Key Mechanism: The development of a crisis response team.
Student and Family Assistance This area encompasses most of the services available from the community that are the focus of the integrated service model. In other words, resources from outside the school.
Community Outreach & Volunteers The focus of this area is on making the effort to reach out. The who, how, when. For schools to be integral community partners, steps must be taken to create and maintain collaborative connections. One major facet of this activity area is the establishment of programs designed to recruit, train, and maintain volunteers to assist students.
Building Infrastructure Models Example #1 Principal School Improvement Team Student Assistance Team Resource Coordinating Team
Building Infrastructure Models Example #2 Principal School Improvement Team Resource Coordinating Team Student Assistance Team
District Infrastructure Model Board of Education/ Superintendent Board Committee Structure Finance/ Personnel Instruction/ Curriculum Student Support District Administration Finance & Personnel Teaching & Learning Pupil Services District Councils/Committees School Improvement Student Support Council Instructional Council
Resource Aids: Summit Initiative Examples of Policy Statements Phasing in the Enabling Component Expanding Standards and Accountability Job Descriptions for Student Support Leadership Reframing the Roles and Functions of Student Support Staff Establishing a Resource-Oriented Team at a School Site Weaving School & Community Resources Rethinking a School Board’s Committee Structure Levels of Competence and Professional Development Center Concept Paper: Appendix B - Research Base
References Natriello, McDill, & Pallas, Schooling Disadvantaged Children: Racing Against Catastrophe, Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1990. H.S. Adelman & L. Taylor, On Understanding Intervention in Psychology and Education, Westport, Ct.: Praeger. Center for Mental Health in Schools, School Mental Health Project, Dept. of Psychology, UCLA, LosAngeles, Ca, 90095. Website:
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“Typical” Classroom Low Success In School High
Current Approach Title I ESL Special Education Volunteer
Student Support Approach “Unique Needs Focus” Behavior Support Reading Instruction #2 Reading Instruction #1 Family/Agency Referrals
Evolution of Student Support Model Label - Place Problem Solving Systemic Characteristics - pull-out model - eligibility - reactive - medical model - legalistic/funding - focus on “needs” - collaborative - cross-categorical - rational - proactive - range of interventions - inclusive - admin. integrated - non-categorical - planning intensive