Specials Checking for Understanding October 23, 2017
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Objective/TAP Connection By the end of Clusters, teachers will learn a strategy to check for student understanding (essential standards). TAP Connection: Measure student performance throughout the quarter
Prior Learning Is a continuation of what we are learning...identified desired results (essential standards), determine acceptable evidence, plan learning experiences and instruction
Whip Around Strategy Whip around is an assessment activity that allows teachers to objectively analyze the quantity and quality of the students’ comprehension of the lesson. Though it does not allow for individual assessment, the whip around technique is a great way to identify the presence of gaps in understanding. It serves as an indicator i.e. whether to proceed or to re-teach the topic and is also used to generate ideas, thoughts and solutions in the class.
Whip Around,Up and Down Question Whip Around, Up and Down Pose an open ended prompt that has multiple answers. Have students write down as many responses as possible. Whip Around, Up and Down Once the ideas or answers are noted down, the teacher will instruct the entire class to stand next to their seats. They are then instructed to sit down if someone presents the same idea as written by them and to continue standing if their answer does not come up. As the teacher whips around the class, randomly picking students to read their notes, students will listen to each other and sit when their answers are named out. This method facilitates attentiveness of the class and allows the teachers to hear all the ideas.
Whip Around,Up and Down Practice Question How do you determine which standards are essential? Jot down as many thoughts as possible. Whip Around, Up and Down
Whip Around Planning Work time :) Prepare Whip Around questions to incorporate into your lesson plans
Ticket Out Checking for Understanding Graphic Organizer