December 6, 2017 ITU-T SG16 Liaison Officer to CITS Yushi Naito ITU-T SG16 Updates December 6, 2017 ITU-T SG16 Liaison Officer to CITS Yushi Naito
Contents Recent achievements Liaison Statements Status of on going Working Items Future Meetings 2
1. Recent Achievements Consent of new Recommendations; ITU-T H.550 (ex H.VGP-ARCH) "Architecture and functional entities of vehicle gateway platforms" (New) TD148-R1/Plen Summary A vehicle Gateway Platform (VGP) is the collection of ICT hardware and software in a vehicle operating as an open platform to provide an integrated runtime environment for delivering the communications services of a Vehicle Gateway (VG). It may also provide higher layer communications services such as interaction with the driver through the Driver-Vehicle access services and so on. Subsystems dedicated solely to vehicle operation are not considered part of the VGP. Supported applications/services include ITS and infotainment. This Recommendation specifies architecture, functional architecture framework and functional entities for vehicle gateway platform. Some signalling flows of VGP are also described in Appendix I. A series of Recommendations for Vehicle Gateway Platforms is under the responsibility of ITU- T SG16. This Recommendation is a part of that series and gives the architecture, functional architecture framework and functional entities of VGP. 3
ITU-T H.560 (ex G.V2A) "Communications interface between external applications and a Vehicle Gateway Platform" (New) TD149/Plen Summary Vehicle Gateway Platform (VGP) is the collection of ICT hardware and software in a vehicle operating that provides, as an open platform, an integrated runtime environment for delivering the communications services of a Vehicle Gateway (VG). It also provides higher layer communications services such as interaction with the driver through the Driver-Vehicle access services. Subsystems dedicated solely to vehicle operation are not considered part of the VGP. Supported applications/services include ITS and infotainment. This Recommendation specifies functional requirements for vehicle gateway platform services, services functionalities and management, including VGP, application, and communication network requirements. A series of Recommendations for VGP is under the responsibility of ITU-T SG16. This Recommendation is a part of that series and gives the description of VGP services and the communication interface with applications running over external devices. Both draft new Recommendations are currently under internet reviewing process, called “Last Call”, that are expected to be terminate December13. Currently, no opposing comment is submitted. 4
2. Liaison Statements LS on security, privacy and trust of IoT (SG20-LS11) [for info to CITS] Replying LS to SG20 for their information on creating new Question Q6/20 and indicating their intention to collaborate with SG16 LS on ITS Security (SG17-LS29) [for info to CITS] Replying LS to SG17 for the information on their progress on Rec. X,1373 & X.itsec-2. LS on security aspects of ITS (SG17-LS47) ) [for info to CITS] Replying LS to SG17 for the information on their progress in new Q13/17 and informing SG17 on SG16’s new work items, and intention to coordinate with UNECE WP.29 on ITS relevant works including Taxonomy of automated driving. Also indicating SG16’s intention to collaborate with SG17 and CITS For details, see each Liaison Statement to CITS 3
3. Status of on going Work Items Acronym Title Editor Consent / Approval Reference H.550 (ex H.VGP-ARCH) Architecture and functional entities of Vehicle Gateway Platform(New) for Consent Jie Li Menghua Tao Jinghua Chen 2017-10 TD148/PLEN (2017-10) H.560 (ex G.V2A) Communications interface between external applications and a Vehicle Gateway Platform (New) for Consent Menghua Tao, Romain Rollet TD149/PLEN (2017-10) F.AUTO-TAX Taxonomy for ICT-enabled motor vehicle automated driving systems(New) Menghua Tao T. Russell Shields 2018 TD65/WP2 (2017- 10) HSTP-VG- Gap Technical Paper: Gap Analysis of Vehicle Gateways defined by SDOs Romain Rollet TD54/WP2 (2017- 01)
4. Future Meetings Q27/16 is planning to hold one Rapporteur meeting in February or early March 2018 after the CITS meeting in early 2018. The venue is TBD. The meeting detail will be announced by the mailing list of Q27/16. One-day WP2/16 meeting is planned to be held in Geneva, 16 Feb. 2018 The venue and the time for next SG16 meeting has not been decided yet. It should most likely be in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-20 July 2018. 3
Thank you