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Plot Themes Lit Devices Archetypes 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
The state that the novel is set in What is California? The state that the novel is set in Row 1, Col 1
The four main themes we covered What is Gallantry in Defeat, Compassion, Courage, and Love? The four main themes we covered in the book. 1,2
Uses the five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing) to What is Imagery? Uses the five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing) to paint a picture with words. 1,3
Guides the hero by providing wisdom, motivation, training, Who is The Mentor? Guides the hero by providing wisdom, motivation, training, and gifts . 1,4
The two main characters of the Who is George and Lennie? The two main characters of the novel. 2,1
Mental or moral strength to persevere or withstand fear What is Courage? Mental or moral strength to persevere or withstand fear 2,2
The rabbits or the mice can be an example of this literary device What is Symbol? The rabbits or the mice can be an example of this literary device 2,3
A normal person forced to face extraordinary circumstances, Who is The Everyman? A normal person forced to face extraordinary circumstances, and has little to no control. 2,4
The person who killed Candy’s Who is Carlson? The person who killed Candy’s dog. 3,1
Sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with What is Compassion? Sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with a desire to alleviate it. 3,2
“You’re like a kid Lennie.” Pg. 3. What is Simile ? “You’re like a kid Lennie.” Pg. 3. 3,3
Lennie is mentally inferior, foolish and clumsy. This makes What is Wise Fool? Lennie is mentally inferior, foolish and clumsy. This makes him a… 3,4
Who is Curley? Lennie breaks his hand. 4,1
George taking care of Lennie What is Love or Compassion ? George taking care of Lennie could be and example of which themes... 4,2
The feeling that the reader gets when reading the text, it can What is Mood? The feeling that the reader gets when reading the text, it can be be the same or change throughout the book. 4,3
Is always the protagonist HOWEVER the protagonist is not What is The Hero? Is always the protagonist HOWEVER the protagonist is not always this... But they can have some of the same characteristics. 4,4
The reason George has to kill What is Lennie killed Curley’s Wife and the others would have made him suffer? The reason George has to kill Lennie himself 5,1
The ability to overcome the worst of circumstances while What is Gallantry in Defeat ? The ability to overcome the worst of circumstances while behaving nobly 5,2
“The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind What is Metaphor? “The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head” 5,3
Curley is powerful, angry, Has money and could What is The Villian? Curley is powerful, angry, Has money and could be considered more intelligent than the other characters. This makes him a… 5,4