Fantastic Fractions
A FRACTION is a number that represents a part of a whole. Fractions are useful whenever you need to split things up. 1 Whole Cake 4 pieces are the same as 1 whole cake
Take a whole cake... Split it into 4 = pieces. 4 people can split the cake evenly. To 1st Grade
Look at this fraction: 3 5 3 5 of the scarf is blue.
The fraction can also be written like this: 1 2 ___ = ___ 2 4 These are equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are worth the same, even though they may look different.
When you have a whole plus a part of something else,you name it with a mixed number. 1 cake 3 cakes 1 4 2 cakes 3 1 4
We can combine wholes and parts
Everyday Fractions Fractions are useful when you want to split something fairly with a friend.
Playing Fair Let’s practice finding things that are shared fairly. To share the soccer ball fairly it must be equal, or have the same amount on each side. fair fair not fair
Practice Page Can you find the shapes that are split into equal pieces? * Click on the shapes that have 2 equal parts*
Identifying and Writing Fractions A fraction tells about the parts of a whole or a set. The number on the top of the fraction represents the shaded part of the whole. It is called the numerator. The number on the bottom represents the total number of equal parts in the whole. It is called the denominator. 1 = red shaded part ___ 3 = total number of circles 1 = green part 2 = total parts 1 = yellow part ___ 4 = total equal parts
Now Let’s Practice! Next Write the fraction that tells what part is shaded. Record your answers on the sheet you get from your teacher. Click the mouse to check your answers. Next
Click the mouse to check your answers. Let’s Do a Little More ... Color each shape so that it matches the fraction. Click the mouse to check your answers. 4 3 2 1 6
ANSWER KEY 4 3 2 1 6
Comparing Fractions If you were really hungry would you rather have 1/4 of a pizza or 1/2? 1/2 of course! Would you rather have 1/2 or 2/4 of a pizza? They’re the same, silly! When the numerators are the same, the smaller the denominator, the larger the fraction. When the numerators are different, use a picture, fraction bars or other manipulative to help you compare. The same fractions can have more than one name. These are called Equivalent Fractions.