Course: SCI101- Introduction to the sciences. Coke Fountain By Qingyun Project due Nov 29 ,2017 Course: SCI101- Introduction to the sciences.
Coke Fountain? Common Coke VS Sugar Coke VS Bleach Coke VS Milk Coke VS Salt Yes (YouTube, n. d.)
Equipment list Salt Coke
How? Open a coke bottle Slowly pour salt into the coke Step back and watch the reaction Apply more salt more greater results
Results Stage1: No reaction before salt was added to Coke. Stage2: The salt that was added to the Coke and that created foam. Results/Conclusion =The more salt, the more foam (CrazyRussianHacker,2016)
Summary As the salt is dissolved by the soda, it changes the balance of the soda’s chemistry and forces the release of carbon dioxide bubbles from the solution. Essentially, the salt replaces the carbon dioxide in the soda, and is forced out of the coke bottle. The carbon dioxide then has nowhere else to go but out, and it comes out of the Coke bottle’s spout in the form of foam. (Reed,2016)
References CrazyRussianHacker. (2016, January 20). [YouTube Channel].What will happen if you mix coke and salt? Retrieved from : Reed, B. (2016, January 25). The crazy things that happen when you dump salt into a bottle of coke. Retrieved from BGR: happens-when-you-pour-salt-into-coke/ YouTube. (n. d.). What will Happen if I Mix Coke and Salt? [Pinterest]. Retrieved from