Theres No Business Unless You Show Me the Business What are the possible or probable futures emerging from various themes? Human based design. Engaging the population of end users to design the system. Business models for peer and family organizations. Coherent business cases for peer organizations. Measurement is key-how to measure the program, the process, and the resource use. Technology will be key-connectivity with others Reframing what we do. Demographics are changing WE get in the way of our futures. Language matters-we lose people in the vision with the wrong language Values matter Have to have shared messaging of SUD/MH-no more division. We need DATA! Get used to DATA!
Theres No Business Unless You Show Me the Business What compelling role and/or contribution does behavioral health play/bring? We are good at human design-engaging the end user in the system. We are experts in helping change. We can transform lives Build relationships, build partnerships, this is our expertise.
Theres No Business Unless You Show Me the Business What are the challenges and opportunities for us as this future unfolds? Framing the Challenge/Problem – Asking yourself the right questions, or you will miss the opportunity to solve the problem. No Health Economic Case Yet How to sell explain life transformation? How do we articulate our vision and what we can do in the future? Stop being victims/begging for the vision Partnering with those who balance our skills (evaluation expertise, data gathering, creating a coherent story) Use our skills differently-being able to use our understanding of behavior change to change decision makers. Embracing our Expertise and Stepping into our shoes!
Theres No Business Unless You Show Me the Business Where are we seeing this future emerging? Programs, resources, examples. We know what works. Peer models Recovery models Shift from: 1 to 1 1 to Many Many to Many New kinds of funding structures-Social Impact Bonds
Theres No Business Unless You Show Me the Business What does this mean for leading for the future? Managing anxiety and yet feeling enough anxiety. Expand what we measure Bring solutions to the table Understand the landmines in selling the story? Identify the characters and what each character values-sell to the value-engage their shared value. We are hesitant to measure what we do because we are afraid of it. Embracing our Expertise and Stepping into our shoes! Get out of shameful role specialness and stand tall on what we do. Embrace heroism Good Story Tellers Need people who can see the future and hold the future in one hand and the present in another. Need people comfortable and okay with vague and unknown.