Joy! Joy! Joy! Down in my Heart The Science of Well-Being
Quality of Life ASSESSMENT Paper and Pencil Exercise ( Identify Top 3 Conceptual Domains Material and Physical Well-Being Relationship with Other People Social, Community, and Civic Activities Personal Development & Fulfillment Recreation
Four Constituents of Well-Being
On Well-Being “Feeling Good and Functioning Well” Balance between Positive Emotions & Negative Emotions More than the absence of “ill-being” Combination of Hedonic (Pleasure) Eudemonic (Pursuit of the Greater Good) “Authentic Happiness” or “Real Happiness” Deep and abiding and not transitory or fleeing Huppert, 2013
Well-Being as Positive Mental Health
Spectrum of Mental Health
Positive Relationships FLOURISHING Competence Emotional Stability Engagement Meaning Optimism Positive Emotion Positive Relationships Resilience Self-esteem, and Vitality
Drivers of Well-Being Material & Living Conditions Employment and Work-Related Factors Health Education Social Relationships Huppert, 2013
Drivers of Well-Being Governance and Basic Rights Natural and Living Environments Personal Characteristics Population-Level Variables Others: Genetics Predisposition & Individual Attitudes & Behaviors Huppert, 2013
Drivers of Well-Being Governance and Basic Rights Natural and Living Environments Personal Characteristics Population-Level Variables Others: Genetics Predisposition & Individual Attitudes & Behaviors Huppert, 2013
Interventions to Enhance Well-Being Individual-Level Interventions Early Stages Contextual Domains Organizational-Level Interventions Workplace Interventions Social Policies Huppert, 2013
Human Flourishing Biblical Views Shalom (Isa 9:5-6; 32:15-20): “Peace to you,” “state of being peaceful,” (non- conflictual relationship with God and others), “over all well-being” (completeness in all ways), integral to God’s saving work and intentions for us. Ashre (Psa 1 & 2). “Blessed/Happy/Flourishing are all who take refuge in him,” “wise living…cultivation of character traits that build health communities” Makarios (Matt 5:3-12). “The Beatitudes-” state of true God-centered human flourishing Pennington, 2015
Human Flourishing Augustine: Flourishing and Happiness centered on God—the Source of everything Good, True, & Beautiful. The Golden Rule Modernity: Anthropocentric: Love of Others Post-Modernity/Contemporary: Experiential Satisfaction Pennington, 2015