By CJ, Tyler, Lucy, Claire, and Will Saltwater By CJ, Tyler, Lucy, Claire, and Will
Maps of saltwater The world is 97 percent saltwater which means that the rest of earth is 3 percent. In picture to your is the Gulf Of Mexico’s saltwater and the middle picture is half of earth. The picture to your right is labeled saltwater to the very right.
Plants in the saltwater The plant to the left is the Kelp Coral Seaweed. The plant in the middle is Seaweed. The plant to the right is the Coralline Algae. Seaweed is probably the most popular plant in the sea. Seaweed is slimy and good to eat but some are very poisonous. The Coralline Algae are characterized by a thallus that is hard because of calcareous contained within the cells wall. Many are typically encrusting and rock-life found in marine waters all over the world.
Saltwater Animals There are all kinds of different animals in the ocean. Animals live in the ocean just like sharks and seahorses and turtles. My favorite animal would have to be sharks.
The saltwater food chain The saltwater food chain is what animals eat what. On the left of this screen shows some of the saltwater food chain. The food chain connects to what animal will eat what animal it needs to eat.
Human interference on the saltwater The impact of the human race on my biome is that people keep littering and one day it will ruin everything because that litter goes into the ocean at some point. This is no joke, all that litter will ruin are earth. Help us have a clean earth by not literring.
Conclusion of my biome Me and the rest of my team would just like to say keep the earth clean for the ocean.