The Events which led to the civil war
Events before the civil war Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery on March 1, 1780 Massachusetts became the second state to abolish slavery, and gives the blacks and native Indians the rights to vote Debates regarding importation of slaves is debated by delegates at the 1878 constitutional convention in Philadelphia. Congress passes the three-fifths clause stating that each slave is counted as three-fifths of a person for the calculation in representation in the congress. The act strengthens the power in the House of Representatives for slave states. States have began to expand. Founding of new states The first fugitive slave act is passed by the congress on February 12, 1793. The act authorized the arrest or seizure of fugitives and allowed for the recovery of runaway slaves. The fine for those who aided fugitive was $500
The cotton gin was Invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney, received its patent in March 14, 1794. The machine increased the production of cleaned cotton, making cotton a profitable crop. As a result there was an increasing need of slaves
Events before the civil war continued On August 30 1800, Gabriel Prosser leads group of armed slaves to rebel against slavery. He and the group are caught later and were executed In 1804, A gradual emancipation act was announced by New Jersey's state legislatures On march 2 1807 Law banning the importation of any new slaves was passed by the congress. The new law was to take effect on January 1, 1808 In 1827, New York abolished slavery Gabriel Prosser
Events before the civil war continued On May 30,1854, Kansas-Nebraska act was passed. The act provided that the region could be decided into two new territories, Nebraska and Kansas. Use of slavery within the new territories was to be decided by popular sovereignty On March 6, 1857, Dred Scott, a free slave sued for freedom. But his case was overrules because according to chief justice Roger Taney, Scott had no rights to sue in a federal court. The reason: the chief justice stated that the founders of united states did not included African Americans as citizens John Brown, an American abolitionist had tried to liberate enslaved people. On October 16, 1859, he seized the federal arsenal at Harpers ferry, Virginia in order to free and arm enslave people. However, he was captured by colonial Robert E. Lee and was hanged on December 2 Lincoln ran against Stephen A. Douglas for Senator In 1858 . Although he lost the election, when he was debating with with Douglas regarding the north and the south, he gained a national reputation that won him the Republican nomination for President in 1860
American Civil War Timeline
April 12, 1861 The fort was running short of provisions because a supply ship sent by the president Buchanan in January had been turned back artillery fire from shore
April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter Attack South Carolina opened fire on fort Sumter, 34 hours later Fort Sumter surrender
First battle of bull run July 21, 1861 First battle of bull run Northern troops met a small numbered confederate force near bull run. Union army retreated due to confederates well planned battle
The first battle of ironclad ships March 8 & 9, 1862 The first battle of ironclad ships
March 8 & 9, 1862 Two wooden union ship was sunk by confederate ironclad “Merrimac”. Then the confederate battled the union ironclad “Monitor” to a draw off Virginia Sadly… the era of the wooden warships was over due to it’s lack of strength.
April 6, 1862 The Battle of Shiloh It was fought on April 6th and 7th of 1862 Under the lead of general Albert Sidney Johnson and P.G.T Beauregard, the confederate army had launched a surprised attack against the union army, led by Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant who was on the verge of losing his army During the battle, the confederate battle lines became confused during the fierce fighting and the confederate army led by Grant fell back General Johnson was killed on the first battle and Beauregard had chose to go against the assault of the final union position Confederate army was forced to retreat, abandoning their plan to block the union invasion of the northern Mississippi when Gen. Buell brought reinforcements to aid Grant. There they launched a counterattack April 6, 1862 -- The Battle of Shiloh.
Second battle of bull run August 28th-30, 1862 Second battle of bull run One of the battles where the confederate received the victory The confederate was led by General Robert E. Lee against Maj.Gen. John Pope The casualties during the battle were larger than the first battle of bull run
June 25th-July 1st 1862 The Seven Days Battles The seven days battles consisted of seven major battles over the seven days It occurred near Richmond, Virginia The union army, led by Maj.Gen. George B. McClellan was pushed away from Richmond under the command of Robert E. Lee and was left with no choice but to retreat down the Virginia Peninsula July 1862 -- The Seven Days' Battles.
The Second Battle of Bull Run August 28th-29th, 1862 The Second Battle of Bull Run One of the battles where the confederate received the victory The confederate was led by General Robert E. Lee against Maj.Gen. John Pope The casualties during the battle were larger than the first battle of bull run
December 13, 1862 The Battle of Fredericksburg it was fought in and around Fredericksburg, Virginia It was a battle between general Robert E. lee’s confederate army and the union army led by genera; Ambrose E. Burnside The union had suffered massive causalities due to their inability to dislodge the confederates December 1862 -- The Battle of Fredericksburg.
September 17th 1862 Battle of Antietam McClellan had discovered lee’s plan for the surprise attack that was waiting for them in Washington. Thus, it gave McClellan to attack lee at Antietam. As a result McClellan forced lee to retreat back to Virginia. However, McClellan's army was too damaged to finish lee and his army
Preliminary emancipation proclamation September 22, 1862 Preliminary emancipation proclamation Lincoln announced to free enslaved people in the confederate states. Issues the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. Threatening to free all salves in rebellion if those confederate states did not join the union by January 1st of 1863
January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln stated “unless the rebellious states returned to the Union by January 1, freedom would be granted to slaves within those states”. However none of the confederate states took his words and thus on January 1 of 1863 all union slaves and slaves of defeated confederate states were freed
The Vicksburg Campaign November 1862 – July 1863 The Vicksburg Campaign Led by Maj.Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, the union gained control of the Mississippi river by defeating Lt. Gen. John C. Pembertson’s army Mississippi was a city that was the last confederate controlled section of the Mississippi river
The Gettysburg Campaign June - July 1863 The Gettysburg Campaign Fought during June to July 1863 The confederate army led by Gen. Robert E. Lee moved north for their attack in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania The union led by Maj.Gen Joseph Hooker and George G. Meade defeated Lee’s army at the Battle of Gettysburg
March 10 - May 22, 1864 Red river campaign A battle fought from March 10th to May 22nd of 1864 It was a part of the union’s plan to surround the main confederate armies in order to capture Mobile, Alabama
November 15, 1864 March across Georgia On November 15, 1864 the union led by Maj.Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, marched to the sea across Georgia and captured the port of savannah
Battle of Nashville
April 7 1865 Surrender After several defeats from the union. Lee was on the verge of surrendering. However, he had led one more battle in hopes of claiming victory. Unfortunately they (the confederates) had lacked of supplies and Lee realized that the union army was gaining on them. So on April 7, 1865, Gen. Lee surrendered. He and Grant met at the Appomattox courthouse to make the confederate's surrender official
Lincoln’s assignation April 14, 1865 Lincoln’s assignation