Unsurpassed Communication Science Resources MedOne ComSci Unsurpassed Communication Science Resources
A fully searchable database with access to premier e-book content MedOne ComSci A fully searchable database with access to premier e-book content
200 Cases with Management and Follow-up Tips MedOne ComSci 200 Cases with Management and Follow-up Tips
MedOne ComSci Full-Access Journal Content
7,000 downloadable images with full legends MedOne ComSci 7,000 downloadable images with full legends
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MedOne ComSci Note Taking* and Marks Select text by pressing mouse over desired text, a window opens. In the window, assign categories, write a note, and click the “save" button. *IP based users should set-up username and password log-in, or your saved notes can be viewed by others at your institution.
MedOne ComSci Note Taking and Marks Click “my MedOne” tab to open and review all saved notes. Discard notes by clicking trash bin.