The Jazz Age & 1919=1929 The Roaring Twenties The Jazz Age & 1919=1929
Popular Culture
The Jazz Age Background Music form developed in New Orleans by black musicians near the turn of the century. A purely American creation, relied on traditional black themes and improvisation. Would spread throughout America and be adopted by white musicians and audiences. Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong 3
The Jazz Age The Meaning Of Jazz Total improvisational style, meant liberation for both the artist and the audience. Expressed the desire to break with tradition. Jazz becomes the symbol of the new “American rebel.” 1920s Jazz Band 4
KDKA In The Roaring Twenties Radio Background Developed in the late 1800s, would be used for the military during World War I. First commercial radio station is created in 1920 with KDKA in Pittsburgh. KDKA In The Roaring Twenties 5
The Great Train Robbery Movies Early Films First major film: The Great Train Robbery, 1903. First major epic: Birth Of A Nation, 1915. Directed by D.W. Griffiths, was about the Reconstruction South. The Great Train Robbery 6
Movies Early Films Other key films. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (1920), The Sheik (1921), Robin Hood (1922), The Thief Of Baghdad (1924), The Torrent (1926), The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1923), The Phantom Of The Opera (1925), Ben-Hur (1925), Wings (1927), Steamboat Willie (1928). Steamboat Willie The Sheik Phantom Of The Opera 7
Movies Success As An Art Form Originally only accepted by immigrants and low-income families. Most people who could afford it went to plays, instead going to “nickelodeons” for cheap entertainment. Movies unlike radio now appealed to national audiences. Old 1920s Nickelodeon 8
Movies Key Figures Of The Silent & Early Golden Age Douglas Fairbanks,%20Douglas%20(Thief%20of%20Bagdad,%20The)_02.jpg Hollywood Power Couple: Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks John Barrymore 9
Movies Key Figures Of The Silent & Early Golden Age W.C. Fields Groucho Marx The Marx Brothers 10
Movies Key Figures Of The Silent & Early Golden Age Animator. Walt Disney. Walt Disney & Mickey Mouse 11
Movies Key Figures Of The Silent & Early Golden Age Charlie Chaplin. Created the character known as “The Tramp,” combined comedy with satire and realism. Key movies included The Tramp, The Gold Rush, City Lights, Modern Times, and The Great Dictator. Charlie Chaplin As The Tramp 12
Golden Age Of Sports Increase In Popularity More people begin to follow the events due to the increase in media outlets. Radio, cheap tickets to games and movies, cheap newspapers. More spending money and leisure time allow more people to attend events. Advertisers target sports figures to sell everything, including breakfast cereal, cars, batteries, and refrigerators. New stadiums built to attract more fans. Would fill with the largest crowds at a sporting event since the fall of Rome. Babe Ruth Schlepping Cigars 13
The Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Hellfighters Returning From WWI Harlem Renaissance First major mass migration of African Americans to the North. Wanted more equality, freedom, political participation, and opportunity. Harlem Hellfighters Returning From WWI 15
Harlem Renaissance Even though life was hard in the city, it did produce some advantages. Enabled African-Americans to elect representatives of their own by having one solid voting block. Stimulated self-confidence, offering economic opportunity, political rights, and freedom. African-Americans could develop their own culture. Harlem Ghetto In The 1920s 16
Harlem Renaissance Why Harlem? Largest Black city in the world, would become the cultural capital of African Americans, as well as a place for Whites to flock to experience jazz and other forms of African-American culture. The Famous Cotton Club 17
Harlem Renaissance Writers Expressed a range of emotions from bitterness to joy and hope. Included Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and James Weldon Johnston. Langston Hughes 18