Warmup 4/25 What was the Chinese government like? What was the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) like? What are the Imperial Exams? What do they test? What do they determine?
Notes: The Century of Humiliation Since 200BC, it has been the norm for China to be the world’s most powerful country. 1840-1945, China was repeatedly imperialized by the West and Japan.
Why was China vulnerable? A period of isolation cut off China from diffusion. The corrupt Qing Dynasty barely had control over the country. The Chinese fleet had become extremely small.
The Great Divergence Europe was, for the first time since Rome, more powerful than China. This was mostly due to economics and industry.
What was China like? The Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Ruled by Manchus, who were not traditionally Chinese. Very traditional—all laws based on the wisdom of China’s past glories. Imperial Exams still in place, testing knowledge on books now over 2000 years old.
Chinese Isolation: 1450-1800 After the Mongols, Chinese society developed a distrust of foreigners. During the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644), China began to turn away from trade. This slowed diffusion to China, as well as stifling China’s economy.
Notebook response Think about the concept of diffusion and think about the period of 1450-1800. Why was it a disadvantage for China to be cut off from the rest of the world at this time?
Qing Corruption (1644-1912) By the mid 1700s, just as Europeans were beginning to show up, it was in deep trouble.
Qing Corruption Qing had committed to low taxes. Constantly in a state of revenue crisis There was almost no oversight of local officials so many took bribes. Famine and rebellion were extremely common. Between 20-40 million people died of these two causes from 1800-1900
Notebook response How would this particular government be vulnerable to imperialism?
Decline of the Navy The Chinese army was massive, even during the Qing Dynasty. China had been neglecting its navy since the 15th century. In 1800, the Chinese war fleet was small and mostly composed of single-deck wooden ships called Junks.
Decline of the Navy The Chinese fleet proved to be of almost no threat to European armored frigates and later Ironclads. As a result, European powers dominated China’s eastern coasts but had very little influence inland.
Why was China vulnerable? Great Divergence Isolation Corruption Small Fleet
Thesis Practice Answer the question: Which of the problems stated do you think was the worst problem for China? Write a thesis with the following: Claim: your answer to question Method Statement: explanation why your claim is correct. Warrant: general rule explaining why your method proves your claim.
Thesis Examples Claim: the decline of the Navy was the worst problem Method Statement: because it directly made China vulnerable to outsiders, unlike corruption or isolation. Warrant: direct problems are more significant than indirect problems.
Thesis Examples Claim: corruption was the most problematic Method Statement: because it made the other problems harder to deal with. Warrant: the most difficult problems are the ones which worsen other problems.
Thesis Workshop Switch theses with your neighbor. Do their claim, method, and warrant work? Tell them why each works/doesn’t.
Thesis Workshop Write a new thesis that works. If your last one didn’t work, write one that does. If your last one did work, write another that works.