KCTCS Performance Measures Board of Regents Update September 2014
Kentucky Community and Technical College Strategic Plan 2010-16
Goals Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service Increase student access, transfer and success Cultivate diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion Enhance the economic and workforce development of the Commonwealth Promote the recognition and value of KCTCS
Participation Rate TARGET Percent of employees with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien. Source: Official data as reported to CPE; US Census Bureau Population Estimates; KPR Projections. Definition: KCTCS fall credit enrollment from colleges’ enrollment clusters divided by the population aged 18-64; KCTCS participation rate includes all Kentucky resident students.
Student Diversity TARGET Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien compared to percent minority population in geographic analysis area. Source: Official data as reported to CPE; National Center for Health Statistics; US Census Bureau Population Estimates. Definition: Percent of students with known ethnicity in all racial/ethnic categories excluding white and nonresident alien, based on fall unduplicated headcount, compared to percent minority population aged 18-64 in enrollment cluster.