Maya Aztec Inca Sacrificed Built observatories. captives for the Gods. Developed a calendar. Kept a written history. Controlled trade. Built observatories. Developed a calendar. Developed a writing and number system. Wrote history in the Popol- Vuh Many factors contribute to decline. Largest empire in Meso- America. Chinampas: Floating gardens. Wrote history in the Codex. Developed a calendar and writing system. * Conquered by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes. Worshipped many gods (Sun God). Built large temples and pyramids. Made jewelry from gold and weapons from obsidian. *Harvested Maize. *Social classes. Both conquered by Spanish conquistadors. Thousands die due to small-pox epidemic. Terrace Farming Settled in the Andes Mountains. Government officials gave people goods through the labor tax system (Mita). Sacrificed animals instead of people. Have no written language. Use Quipu. Conquered by Francisco Pizzaro. Inca
Maya Aztec Inca