“rooted and built up in Him” ~Colossians 2:7 April 17, 2014 MULTIPLY “rooted and built up in Him” ~Colossians 2:7 Anybody ready to share Luke 9:23-25? Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWPABE3gycs&list=PLLmzJv83nMkOy89HLOwL1OtLZ9k1gCyC0
After today, we have 4 more MULTIPLY meetings After today, we have 4 more MULTIPLY meetings. Invite someone new so that we don’t waste any of these FREE shirts.
Verse Memorization Challenge Fan: I’m not good at memorizing things and I don’t like speaking in front of a group. Follower: I’m going to invest my time into learning this because it’s worth the time to plant God’s Word in my mind and my heart, and I want to share my commitment with others. Shared so far: -Josh Taylor -Audrey Carra -Morgan Semp -Charlotte Plotzke -Emma Travitz
Peter: Before & After (Good Friday) Background: Who was Peter? What is good Friday? Peter Before (whole group): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm_-kNaPsp4 Peter After (small groups): Acts 4:13, Acts 17:6 In what way was Peter a “fan”? Why did he fail? In what way was Peter a “follower”? How did he change (2 word story)? What was the cost of being a “follower”? Last 5 mins = FOLLOWER CHALLENGE Only take a book if you are going to read it. If you’re not ready yet, you can get one later in the year when you are ready to fully accept the challenge.
Memorize Luke 9:23-27 What Now? Start reading “Who Do You Say I Am? Use the invitation sheet to invite someone new to MULTIPLY If you ever have any questions or want more information, don’t hesitate to ask a leader or teacher. We’re here to help and encourage each other!