Exchange to the Baltics Information session 24 November 2017
For Adventurers! The countries Estonia Latvia Lithuania The countries Estonia was the first country in the world to use online political voting. The countries Estonia 1,3 million of which 68% Estonians, 25% Russians, 2% Ukrainians […] In 2005 became the first nation to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first nation to provide E-residency Advanced, high-income economy Latvia Almost 2 million of which 62% Latvians, 26% Russians […] Riga was the European Capital of Culture in 2014 Considered one of the greenest countries in Europe: forests cover 44% of the territory Lithuania 2,9 million of which 86% Lithuanians, 6% Poles, 5% Russians […] “Among the fastest growing innovators in Europe” (EC) According to a European Commission survey, the happiest EU capital
The universities Tallinn University (EST) University of Tartu (EST) Rigas Stradina University (LV) Turiba University (LV) Mykolas Romeris University (LT)
The courses More information University of Tartu (public) Courses Turiba University (comm) Rigas Stradina University (public +comm) Tallinn University (public) Mykolas Romeris University (public + comm) More information
Rob Kennis about Estonia
Alexandra Jordanov about Estonia (If you’d like to know more about Latvia, we currently have one exchange student, Gustavs, from Rigas Stradina University whom you can contact if you have any questions about the university, the city or the country: ) Alexandra Jordanov about Estonia