December 14 2015
Add Washington’s Report Card to your Student Portfolio Grade Sheet (Number 50) Warm Up 1:10-5:36
I can identify the foreign and domestic policies of Washington by evaluating a series of his policies. Learning Target
Activity Whiskey Rebellion In Western Pennsylvania, people used a lot of whiskey: both to use up extra corn and as money. The federal government passed a tax on whiskey in 1791. Farmers in western Pennsylvania refused to pay the tax, saying it was like the Stamp Act all over again. Trouble brewed for a couple years until 1794, when farmers assaulted federal tax collectors. President George Washington called out the national militia to put down what came to be called the Whiskey Rebellion. Many people were arrested, but all were later either pardoned or found not guilty.
Activity Washington’s Cabinet Established the Cabinet within the Executive Branch by appointing Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury, a body that was not outlined within the Constitution.
Bank of the United States Activity Proposed by Alexander Hamilton, the Bank of the United States was established in 1791 to serve as a repository for federal funds and as the government’s fiscal agent. The Bank, based in Philadelphia with branches in eight cities, conducted general commercial business as well as acting for the government. It was both well managed and profitable, but it won the enmity of entrepreneurs and state banks, who argued that its fiscal caution was constraining economic development. Others were troubled by the fact that two-thirds of the bank stock was held by British interests.
Bank of the United States Activity Proposed by Alexander Hamilton, the Bank of the United States was established in 1791 to serve as a repository for federal funds and as the government’s fiscal agent. The Bank, based in Philadelphia with branches in eight cities, conducted general commercial business as well as acting for the government. It was both well managed and profitable, but it won the enmity of entrepreneurs and state banks, who argued that its fiscal caution was constraining economic development.
Proclamation of Neutrality Activity The Proclamation of Neutrality was a formal announcement issued by George Washington May, 1793, declaring the nation neutral in the conflict between France and Great Britain. It threatened legal proceedings against any American providing assistance to any country at war.
Jay Treaty Activity The Jay Treaty attempted to diffuse the tensions between England and the United States that had risen to renewed heights since the end of the Revolutionary War. The U.S. government objected to English military posts along America’s northern and western borders and Britain’s violation of American neutrality in 1794 when the Royal Navy seized American ships in the West Indies during England’s war with France.
Washington’s Farewell Address Activity The Farewell Address definitely embodies the core beliefs that Washington hoped would continue to guide the nation. His defense of national unity lay not just in abstract ideals, but also in the pragmatic reality that union brought clear advantages to every region. As European powers embarked on a long war, each hoping to draw the U.S. to its side, Washington admonished the country "to steer clear of permanent Alliances.“ To Washington Political Parties were a deep threat to the health of the nation for they allowed "a small but artful and enterprising minority" to "put in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party."
Washington’s Two Term President Activity Washington set a president for serving only two terms. Only one other president served longer than two terms and it was during a time of crisis. The Twenty-Second Amendment of the US Constitution officially limited the Presidential terms to 2 in 1951.
Which policy was Washingtons’ greatest accomplishment? Why? Closing Question