Table 2. Characteristics of the prepared activated carbons Parameters BAC LAC PAC SAC CAC Ph 6.5±0.10a 6.8±0.10b 7.0±0.10c 7.0±0.10b 6.8±0.20c pHpzc 6.6±0.10a 6.8±0.20b 7.0±0.01c 6.5±0.11a 7.1±0.10c Ash (%) 5.0±0.01 b* 5.0±0.01 a* 5.2±0.01 c* 6.2±0.01 e* 5.4±0.01 d Bulk density (kg/m3) 0.8±0.00 c* 0.7±0.001 a 0.8±0.01 d* 0.8±0.01 b* 0.6±0.01 a Porosity (kg/m3) 0.7±0.01 c* 0.6±0.01 a* 0.7±0.01 b* 0.8±0.01 d Surface Area (m2/g) 486.1±0.01b* 524.7±0.01c* 625.6±0.01 e* 530.7±0.01d* 200.4±0.01a Carboxylic 0.1±0.01a* 0.1±0.01b Phenolic 0.2±0.01b* 0.3±0.01c 0.1±0.0 a* Lactones 0.6±0.01c 0.5±0.01a* 0.6±0.01b 0.6±0.01d* Acidic 0.9±0.01b* 0.9±0.01b 0.8±0.01a* 10.0±0.01c Basic 0.6±0.01c* 0.5±0.01b All data were mean ± standard deviation of triplicate determinations a,b,c,d,e are means from least to the highest. Means of the same row with the same alphabet(s) are not significantly different. Means within the same row with the different alphabet(s) are significantly different at P<0.05 * = The mean difference is significant at the 0.05level. A.T. Adeolu et al. Adsorption of Chromium Ion from Industrial Effluent Using Activated Carbon Derived from Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Wastes. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 1, 7-20. doi:10.12691/env-4-1-2 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.