RAC Performance Lab
1. Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows Start Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows Expand the tree to the database Right-click and choose connect Connect into the database View Oracle objects
1. Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows
2. Run Database Load Script Your instructor will provide you with a directory containing database schema creation and data loading scripts In a command window, move to the PTCDB directory and run the create_ptcdb.bat file The scripts will generate database activity which can be measured with monitoring tools If the file completes, simply restart to generate additional load
3. Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor To initially configure the Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor, open a command line window Enter the following: OPerfCfg –U system –P {password} –D {SID} The registry entries for the Performance Monitor are now set. Note: Oracle Counters for Performance Monitor is sensitive to Oracle Net settings, which must be correct
3. Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor Go to Start -> Oracle – OraDb10g_home1 -> Configuration and Migration Tools -> Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor By default, two Oracle counters for Sorts are displayed. Add other Oracle specific counters Add CPU counters Add physical disk counters Add system counters Add network counters
3. Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor
3. Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor
4. STATSPACK Run the %ORACLE_HOME%\admin\spcreate.sql script to install STASPACK Log in as “sys as sysdba” and run the execute statspack.snap command Wait a few minutes Run the execute statspack.snap command again Run the spreport.sql sccript to create a report
5. AWR Reports Change directory to the report script directory: C:\> cd %ORACLE_HOME%\report\admin Start an sqlplus session. The Oracle user must have privileges to view the DBA and V$ tables. Run an AWR report: SQL> @awrrpt.sql Enter required information at the prompts, including starting and ending snapshot IDs. Report is in %ORACLE_HOME%\bin by default (you may specify a full path) Choose the html format. Open the report in a browser. Look for the following: Top five timed events Instance Efficiency Percentages SQL ordered by …. Advisory sections Other sections suggested by the instructor
5. AWR Reports
6. ADDM Findings Start a Database Control session Go to the Performance Page Go to Advisor Central Create a set of ADDM analysis findings by manually choosing recent snapshots Review the ADDM Findings
6. ADDM Findings
7. View RAC Cluster Performance Pages Start a Database Control session Open the RAC Cluster Cache Coherency page and the Cluster Interconnects page The RAC Cluster Cache Coherency page can be reached from the bottom of the Performance tab of the Performance page To reach the Cluster Interconnects page, go to the crs cluster item on the main page Interconnects is available as a tab on the crs Cluster page
7. View RAC Cluster Performance Pages
7. View RAC Cluster Performance Pages
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