Nonfiction Text Features Mrs. Osborne Mountain View ES 5th grade
Standards to cover ELA5R1.b Identifies and uses knowledge of common textual features (e.g., paragraphs, topic sentences, concluding sentences, glossary).
Essential Questions What text features help me comprehend informational text? How can I use the features and organization of a book to help me comprehend?
Do you remember where we find nonfiction features Do you remember where we find nonfiction features? Do you remember what the graphic features are? Yes…our textbooks, newspapers, and magazines. Captions, labels, graphics, headings, fonts, and comparisons. Let’s start connecting these!!
What are text features? Paragraph Topic sentence Concluding sentence Glossary Index Table of Contents
Let’s start with paragraphs! How do you know when a paragraph starts? It is indented…
Now let’s get a little more in-depth and look at the topic sentence! Why is a topic sentence important? It will help you define the main idea of the paragraph which will help you comprehend what you are reading. Let’s look at the paragraph below and locate the topic sentence.
Let’s try another!
Ok, let’s move to concluding sentences
let’s look at the glossary of a book. Why is the glossary important? It helps us understand unknown vocabulary! Locate the glossary in your science book! How is it organized? A to Z
The Index… What is an index used for? It is an alphabetical list of almost everything written in the text, with page numbers so you can find the information. Locate the index in your science book… to
T.O.C….(table of contents) Where is this normally located in a text book? Yes, at the beginning! The T.O.C. helps the reader find key topics in the book in the order that they come in! What is the difference in the T.O.C. and the index of a book??
Now we are going to try some examples on the overhead…let’s see how you do!!