The English Renaissance 1485-1660 Events In British Literature. 1495 Everyman; earliest mortality play. 1516 Thomas More publishes Utopia. 1590 Shakespeare settled in London, begins career as playwright. 1604 James I appoints scholars who begin creating a new translation of the Bible. 1606 Shakespeare’s Macbeth was produced. 1633 John Donne's Poems published posthumously. 1658 Milton begins composing Paradise Lost.
Events in Britain 1485- Henry Tudor defeats Richard III and takes the throne as Henry VIII (to 1547) 1536-Henry VIII unites England and Wales 1547- Reign of Edward VI begins 1553- Reign of Mary I begins 1557- Reign of Elizabeth I begins 1580- Sir Francis Drake brings back great treasures after sailing around the world 1588- English navy defeats Spanish Armada 1607- England establishes a Jamestown in Virginia 1620- English Pilgrims establish a colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts 1625- Reign of Charles I begins 1642- English Civil War begins 1649- Charles I is beheaded 1660- Monarchy is restored with the accession of Charles II
Events in the World 1492- Colombus sails to Bahamas in Western Hemisphere. 1502- first slaves exported from Africa to work in America. 1517- Martin Luther begins Reformation. 1521- Cortés conquers Aztecs in Mexico. 1522- Magellan’s crew sails around the world. 1543- Heliocentric model of solar system developed by Copernicus. 1547- Ivan the Terrible seizes power in Russia (first czar) 1590- Dutch eyeglass-maker Zacharias Janssen invents microscope. 1603- Japan’s Tokugawa regime begins. 1609-Italian scientist Galileo Galilei studies heavens with telescope. 1633-Galileo condemned for supporting Copernicus’s theory. 1643-Louis XIV begins 72-year reign in France. 1644- Ming Dynasty collapses, replaced by the Qing Dynasty.