Promoting health in the workplace Professor Jean White Prif Swyddog Nyrsio / Cyfarwyddwr Nyrsio Cymru Chief Nursing Officer / Nurse Director for Wales 1
The importance of work and health Employment is the most effective route out of poverty Good work protects and improves both physical and mental health and well-being Unemployment is strongly linked to ill-health and higher mortality 45,000 people on long-term sickness absence in Wales
Work and Health – The Evidence The main causes of sickness absence (mild-moderate mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders) are compatible with work Work is therapeutic for people with common health problems Prevention and early intervention are key Work-focussed interventions are most effective at around 4 weeks of sickness absence Bullet point 4: By four weeks around 70% of people return to work. Intervening at four weeks targets the 30% of people at risk of longer-term sickness absence and leaving employment.
Principles to guide our approach
The Challenge The four positive health behaviours are smoke-free, physical activity, eating fruit and vegetables and low-risk alcohol consumption. The main points are: Only 6% of adults follow all four behaviours; 6% of adults do not follow any of the behaviours.
Supporting employers in Wales - ‘Healthy Working Wales’ The Welsh Government’s work and health programme Free and available to all employers in Wales Awards are aligned with the principles of ‘good work’ 33% of people employed in Wales work for an employer engaged ‘Healthy Working Wales’ is the Welsh Government’s work and health programme, which is delivered by Public Health Wales. [Do you need further briefing on the programme?]
Corporate Health Standard (CHS) Small Workplace Health Award (SWHA) The national frameworks and quality awards for health and well-being in the workplace in Wales 78 employers (medium-large) recognised with the CHS - including NHS Wales health boards and trusts 212 employers (micro-small) have achieved SWHA
Public Health Programmes and Resources There are a wide-range of programmes to support you in your work. Here are a selection: These programmes provide support with health issues including dementia, mental ill-health and alcohol and substance misuse, together with advice on health and well-being. Other recent developments include the revised ‘Eatwell’ guide, UK CMO alcohol guidelines, and CMO info-graphics on physical activity. In particular, the ‘Making Every Contact Count’ approach aims to empower staff working in health services and partner organisations to recognise the role we have in promoting healthy lifestyles, supporting behaviour change and reducing the risk of chronic disease. This recognition extends not only to our interaction with clients and patients, but also to our own health and well-being and that of our friends, families and colleagues.
GPs can refer employed patients All employers can refer employees, who have been off work for 4 weeks or more, for a free Fit for Work referral GPs can refer employed patients The occupational health professional will produce a Return to Work Plan, which can replace the need for a fit note Employees can access free, confidential and expert work-related health advice Fit for Work is funded by the UK Government. Employers, Employees and GPs Advice Hub Live Chat Advice Line: 0800 032 6235 Ask a Question Get Involved
In Work Support Service Rapid access to occupational therapy, physiotherapy and psychological therapy services, to help people return to work or manage a health condition in work Support for musculoskeletal and mental health problems and drug and alcohol misuse ESF funded in convergence areas: Conwy, Denbighshire, Gwynedd and Anglesey: 01745 336442 Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea: 0845 601 7556 The In Work Support Service is delivered in partnership by the Welsh Government, Rhyl City Strategy and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board.
Health for Health Professionals Wales Face-to-face counselling service for all doctors in Wales Health for Health Professionals Wales is funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Cardiff University.
In summary, our aim is to move NHS Wales from an illness service to one of wellness. We can all contribute to this goal. 13 13 13
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