Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1817 BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1817
Samuel Taylor Coleridge The powers of Poetry Excite the symphaty of the reader, by a faithful aderhence to the truth of Nature Give the interest of the novelty by the modyifing colours of imagination Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Tasks of the two poets Coleridge: Poems have to deal with supernatural events Wordsworth: Poems have to deal with things of ordinary life
Coleridge’s Poetry Coleridge has to: Direct his endeavours to persons and characters supernatural Search the willing suspenction of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith
Wordsworth’s Poetry Wordsworth has to: Give the charms of novelty to everyday things Awake the mind’s attention to the letargy of custom and sirect it to the wonders of world before us
The Poet Described in ideal perfection Brings the whole soul of man into activity Blends a tone and a spirit of unity by that synthetic and magical power, the Imagination
Imagination Is put in action by the will and understanding Reveals itself in the balance or reconcilement of opposite or discordant qualities (ex: general with concrete, idea with image, sense of novelty and freshness with old and familiar objects)