Duty 6 - Communication NOCTI
Written Information How can we identify trustworthy sources of information? Website Information Check your URL endings .edu .gov .org
Written Information Online Journals and Magazines News Sources
Use appropriate media for presentations Effective Presentations: What do I want to accomplish by making this presentation? What is your end goal? Who is your audience? DESIGNING THE PRESENTATION There is no secret to developing an effective presentation. Establishing your objectives, planning and organizing your material, and using appropriate visual aids are the essential ingredients. The recipe for effective presentations calls for all three ingredients, and you must use them in the order in which they are presented here. By establishing your objectives first, you can prepare material that supports each objective. The use of visual aids will move you further along toward your objectives by illustrating and emphasizing your ideas more effectively than words alone. Let's begin, then, at the beginning: As you start to design your presentation, you must ask yourself, "What do I want to accomplish by making this presentation?" Establishing the Objectives For any successful presentation, you must know your objectives. It is these objectives that drive your presentation and move the audience to your end goals. Your end goals may be that the attendees take a particular action, adopt a new perspective, or respond to facts and information. Establishing these goals requires careful planning.
Use appropriate media for presentations Power point, Movie/video, Flip charts, Overheads, Skype, etc.
Apply listening skills and interpret verbal/nonverbal behavior Active listening skills Body language Visual Aids