Biography 1953: Stallman was born in New york. 1971: He became programmer at AI of MIT. He joined hacker community with nickname RMS 1974 Stallman graduated with honors in phisics at Harvard. Post graduation he became a full time programmer for MIT. AI WORKS: Teco, Emacs, Lisp Machine OS. The case XEROX 9700 source code.
Stallman's Philosophy The software users should have the freedom of SHARING with their neighbours as much as they should be able to analyse and modify the software they use. He repeatedly affirmed that the proprietary software sales agents attempts of impeding an open source distribution are non-ethical as much as anti-social. The quotation “ Software must be free” has been wrongly attrributed to him cause the definition does not really take into consideration his philosophy. He says that freedom, being a moral asset, is vital for the benefit of the users and of societies and not only for pragmatic reasons or for the developing of technically advanced software.
GNU PROJECT 1984: Stallman left MIT In the same year he announced GNU Project. 1985 he published GNU Manifesto GNU Manifesto: ideological base of free software movement. Main reason of project: to contrast the propetary software principle “DIVIDE ET IMPERA”.
What is GNU? Gnu is Not Unix Operative system Unix compatible Free distribution Free editor Emacs GNU Kernel is Linux (from 1992) Gnu system includes all official Gnu programmes and much more non-GNU open source software X Window system