Welcome to Back-to-School Night 6th Grade World Cultures and Geography Mrs. Kathleen Beckwith
Student Expectations Come to class and be on time. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Bring all necessary materials to class. Be an active learner- participate
Curriculum Geography 5 themes of geography United States Canada Latin America
Grading Scale Tests 25% Quizzes 25% Class preparedness/participation 25% Homework 25%
Homework Purpose: to reinforce/review the concepts being taught and discussed in class Homework is posted each and every class period. Students are responsible for copying assignments into their planners. Homework is due the next day unless otherwise directed.
Homework Grading Grading Stamped at the beginning of class for completion (Students need to try their best to complete the entire assignment) Reviewed in class and students are expected to make corrections or complete it
Homework (cont’d) Smiley STAMPS receive a “100%” for a completed assignment Frown STAMPS receive a “50% for partial completion or “0” for no homework. Every 5 Smiley STAMPS earns a Sparten or a reward.
Contact me… Email – kathleen.beckwith@scrsd.org Website- http://southis.scrsd.org/ School 570-348- 3631 Grade print outs – Approximately mid quarter- Remember you can check grades anytime online!