Lesson 12 Velázquez and the Conquest of Cuba, 1511 5 mins Aim: To investigate the aims, methods and consequences of Velázquez’s conquest of Juana (Cuba) Keywords Cacique – Adelantado – Cacique - a local native chieftain Adelantado – a Spanish governor, a military title
QUICK QUESTIONS Velázquez and the New World 5 mins Laminate handout –Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar and the Conquest of Cuba, 1511 Who was Velazquez and what was his relationship to Columbus? 3 points On the second voyage To establish settlements/colonies in the New World Women, animals, priests, 1200 Spanish settlers
Velázquez Conquers Juana (Cuba) Read Pearson pg44-46 and discuss the questions below. Why did the Spanish invade Cuba? Who was Cacique Hatuey? Why was the execution of Cacique Hatuey in 1512 so significant? 2 reasons What was the standard Spanish strategy to take over the villages in Cuba? Describe what happened at the massacre of Caonao in 1513 – 5 features. How did the Spanish take control of the Juana (Cuba) once conquered? 4 ways . Extension reading: Laminate handout –Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar and the Conquest of Cuba, 1511 15mins 2. A chieftain who escaped Spanish massacre in Hispaniola and escaped to Juana Hatuey – guerrilla tactics eg moving in small groups, close combat on foot, attacking isolated groups of settlers, surprise attacks, use of wooden swords, stone axes and lances. Spanish had superior weapons – steel lances/swords, calvary, firearms – and Hatuey was not able to gain the support of other native tribes – he was betrayed by natives, 3. Only chieftain in Juana who had prior experience of the conquistadors in Hispaniola and their brutal punishments. Without their chieftains, natives became disorganised and easily subdued 5. 2500-3000 welcomed the Spanish at Caonao bringing them gifts. All men, women and children were killed immediately after the feast. Rivers of blood. Natives sent to the gold mines to work, mutilation Cause fear and submission of natives. Enslave and control the natives. Less resistance eg Havana 1514 6. Why did the Spanish conquistadors take such a violent approach to conquering Juana (Cuba)? 2 reasons - link to attitudes and outcomes
Cause Event Consequence Invasion of Cuba Spanish needed slaves for…. The natives had died because.. Velazquez arrived with… Hatuey’s resistance Massacre at Caonao Establishing a colony 20 mins Complete the chart showing the causes, events and the consequences of Velazquez’s invasion of Cuba.
Extension activities: Velázquez: Control of Hispaniola Laminate handout –Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar and the Conquest of Cuba, 1511 Identify 8 methods used by Velázquez and his fellow conquistadors to subdue the Taino population of Hispaniola, in Hispaniola. How was Velázquez rewarded for his actions in Hispaniola? How did his actions in Hispaniola initially cause difficulties for him and his men in Juana (Cuba)? Explain fully 4. Methods used –lured chieftains into ceremonies/friendly meetings, attacked with horses, crowded chieftains into house and set it alight, pierced them with lances, swords, hung chieftains, legs cut off, used as servants for life 5. Permission to conquer Cuba – given the title ‘Adelantado’ in 1511 6. Hatuey led a group of natives to attack Velazquez upon arrival
Plenary - JUDGEMENT THE CONQUEST OF JUANA (CUBA) 10 mins Identify and summarise 1 key event of 1511-1514 that led to Velazquez’s conquest of Juana (Cuba). Write this in a paragraph. The writing frame below may help you. Question 3: Explain two of the following….the importance. (2x8 marks) 25 mins [POINT] _______ was important for (WFTQ)… because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This shows that (WFTQ) was important for (WFTQ) because… Therefore… Bay of Havana – strategic port for all Spanish ships to gather before making the dangerous trip back to Spain Commercial interests – prevent piracy from English, French and Dutch Springboard for further conquests into mainland – Cortes 1518 WORD BANK Velazquez, Hatuey, native resistance, massacre at Caonao, conquistadors, Hispaniola, this led to…/ this increased… / as a result…
HOMEWORK 5 mins Complete the Top Trumps Revision cards for Velázquez, and Balboa (Lessons 11-12)
Balboa (c.1475-1519) Diego Velázquez de Cuellar (c.1465-1524) Spain and the New World Top Trumps Balboa (c.1475-1519) Diego Velázquez de Cuellar (c.1465-1524) Power/Influence: /10 Power/Influence: /10 After success in Hispaniola, he was given the title and position of… Faith: /10 Two key native caciques were Christianised under his leadership and exploration of the isthmus of Panama… One of his tasks, as with all conquistadors, was to Christianise the local natives. There is some evidence that this did occur but the accounts of de las Casas suggest that Christian ideas of mercy and equality were not followed by this man during his time in power. Aggression: /10 Aggression: /10 Achievements: /10 Achievements: /10