Harding Elementary School, Ellerhorst Elementary School, and Project Scope: Remodel the restrooms at the following sites: Lincoln Elementary School, Harding Elementary School, Ellerhorst Elementary School, and Tara Hills Elementary School Project Duration: 120 Days Notice to Proceed: 7/18/2012 Completion Date: 11/14/2012 LINCOLN Restrooms Completed (8): C116, C117, C114, C109, C105, B120, B121, B122 Restrooms Currently Under Construction (5): B218, B219, B217, B216, B106A Restrooms to be Completed: 9 total
ELLERHORST Restrooms Completed (8): K137A, K140, K156, K129, K133, A112, A111, A103 Restrooms Currently Under Construction (2): C113, C116 Restrooms to be Completed: 2 total TARA HILLS Restrooms Completed (10): I22, K14, K11, K6, P11, P24, P10, P31, K3, K4 Restrooms Currently Under Construction (5): I10, I11, I13, M4, M5 Restrooms to be Completed: 4 total HARDING Restrooms Completed (7): A112, A113, A120, A121, A122, A149, A150 Restrooms Currently Under Construction (5): A201, A157, M104, M109, M110 Restrooms to be Completed: 3 total