Lincoln Elementary School At Lincoln, We are…. responsible, respectful, safe, & trustworthy Title I Information 2017-2018
Title I is…. Title 1 Funds Goals of Title I Family Rights Under Title I Family Involvement School Achievement Data Home-School Compact Mrs. Marsha Musick - Family Liaison 378-2477 (direct)
What Is Title I? Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.
Title I Funds [Federal Funds] Schools receive Title I funds if 40% or more of students are economically disadvantaged. Lincoln meets the criteria at this time.
Goals of Title I Increase academic achievement Provide direct instructional support to students. Provide professional development for teachers. Promote parent/family education and engagement.
Parent/Family Rights Ask for meetings and trainings Review the school’s achievement data Review the family engagement plan Review and modify the Title I Family Engagement Policy & Home/School Compact
School Achievement Data Lincoln will analyze TNReady scores, DRA results, Writing Assessment, and district-wide benchmark testing. Lincoln will use this data to align curriculum to state academic standards. Lincoln will adjust instructional practices based on the findings of the assessment data.
Home/School Compact Describes the responsibilities of the school, the family, and the student for improved student achievement Developed in collaboration among families, teachers and students Distributed as part of the Title I Parent Engagement Policy
Lincoln Family Engagement Contacting Lincoln Faculty 378-2360 Main Office Email Parent/Family–Teacher Conferences Mrs. Marsha Musick - Family Liaison 378-2477 (direct)