Meet the Teacher Night September 10, 2018 Mrs. Michelle Rogozinski ELA and social studies Ms. Jennifer Exler math and science
Policies and Expectations handbook homework extra credit responsibility sheet
Our Responsibilities Students Teachers Parents I will: I will: -be respectful of everyone. -complete all work to the best of my ability. -fill out my assignment book daily. -communicate with my teachers about grades and assignments. -use my time effectively to balance school and extracurricular activities. -get an appropriate amount of sleep each night. Teachers -provide a safe and nurturing environment. -provide feedback to help students improve. -grade all material in a timely manner. -provide enrichment, intervention, and remediation as needed. -provide ongoing communication to parents about their child’s academic, behavioral, and social growth. Parents -keep my contact information in SV Portal current. -regularly check my child’s grades in SV Portal. -check my child’s assignment book or team website and monitor homework completion as needed.
Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Bus Recess Be prepared to learn with appropriate materials. Listen carefully to teachers’ directions. Respond respectfully to teachers, staff, and other students. Complete tasks within the assigned deadlines. Use materials appropriately. Speak at a quiet volume. Walk on the right side of the hall and stairs. Help maintain cleanliness of the hallways. Allow for others walking by to pass safely. Allow others privacy when using restroom areas. Walk directly to and from your destination. Use your manners when speaking: please, thank you. Speak at a quiet volume so that only those sitting at your table can hear your conversation. Be polite to adults and students. Clean your dining area. Provide a helping hand: clean up a spill, pick up wrappers, etc. Speak in a quiet volume and keep device volume low. Sit in a safe manner. Keep your hands in your personal space. Use your own personal items rather than asking to borrow a friend’s. Device usage (music, videos, and games) is school appropriate with language and content. Include others in activities. Stay within the boundaries set by the teachers. Use equipment appropriately. Collect equipment before returning inside. Listen carefully and respond quickly to teachers’ directions.
Technology Class Dojo Technology Use (handbook page 14) SV Portal – grades, textbooks Team Website Office 365
Additional Information November parent-teacher conferences Volunteering Electronic Texts – Students should log in to SV Portal, click on the individual class, and then access the book
ELA potential novel studies SV curriculum student textbook
Social Studies Regions studied: Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa Content: geography, culture, government, history, and economics materials SV curriculum
Online Textbook
Math syllabus concepts (national standards, state standards, SV curriculum) Edgenuity online text – SV Portal, use school username and password Homework – See syllabus or webpage for finding Homework and Remembering Book pages
Science materials concepts (SV curriculum) online text – SV Portal, use the given login information
Health Year-Round – personal hygiene October – drug awareness during Red Ribbon Week May – reproductive system including HIV/AIDS instruction
Reality Tour an OPTIONAL drug awareness program designed for families Visit to register Team Date – Thursday, March 21, but you can attend any date Video
Thank you so much for attending Meet the Teacher Night! This PowerPoint is available on our team webpage.