How to develop a legacy fundraising culture in your organisation Valerie Harland
Workshop objectives Identify ways to promote the opportunity for giving gifts in wills Think positively about how to overcome internal barriers Gain confidence about having legacy conversations Think about your personal action plan
About me Gifts in wills at NSPCC & national Mind New Zealand Bristol – interim & Bristol Culture Winter dipper!
Open forum ground rules Be candid Respect confidentiality Share ideas & experience widely Challenge one another Listen actively and attentively
Ask your neighbour Name & where they live One charity that’s in your will or would like to include, and why?
Why do people give gifts in wills? Reflection of one’s life and expression of values: Looking back – over one’s life, finding connections with certain causes (including paying back for support for oneself or a loved one) Looking forward – ‘live on’ by sustaining a cause feel passionate about (organisational performance)
Your ‘legacy purpose’ Give everyone with an affinity to your charity the opportunity to consider leaving you a gift in their will
Brain storm in small groups Ways to promote the opportunity to consider gifts in wills to your charity (internally & externally) Against each one, what the barriers might be? How you might start to overcome them?
Feedback from groups Three ways to promote the opportunity to consider gifts in wills to your charity Potential barriers (internal & external) Ideas to overcome them
Overcoming barriers: trustees Worried about talking about ‘death’: Explain it’s about presenting the opportunity to consider – no one is doing a direct ask, especially them! Any philanthropic trustees - can you meet them to find out which charities they support and why, and if they’ve included any in their will Any similar charities who are further along with gifts in wills – could one of their trustees present to your board?
Overcoming barriers: senior management Legacy market is growing - don’t miss out: 35% of 40+ ‘happy to give a small amount to charity in their will, after taken care of loved ones’ (Remember A Charity) Proportion of charitable wills growing: 12.2% in 2007 to 15.6% (Smee & Ford) More charities than ever before are receiving gifts in wills
Overcoming barriers: other staff What’s in it for them? Get them to dream! Seek their views, spend time: ask them about their personal giving and what they’d like to leave behind Show how similar charities are using gifts in wills Fund with share of legacy income for staff to bid?
Overcoming barriers: no budget Integrate into existing activities: Supporter/member newsletters Events: thank you, anniversaries Annual Review/snapshot No legacy leaflet/brochure: don’t worry! But do have a legacy vision, key messages & legal wording
Overcoming barriers: no time Talk to other fundraisers about how they got started – get your mind buzzing! Keep it simple - legacy vision linked to your organisational vision (can refine later) Think simple messages – don’t worry about tick boxes for more information yet Buddy up, get a mentor, use Foundation for Social Improvement telephone advisers
Legacy conversations ...just conversations, a chance for you: To get to know your supporters better LISTEN to them, thank them for what they’ve made possible ASK ‘What inspired you to get involved with our charity? Share the OPPORTUNITY to support you in a long lasting way SHOW your passion for your charity And for your supporters: SHARE their experiences and values with you REFLECT on what they think your charity should aim to achieve in the long term
Preparing yourself Centre yourself, slow down your breathing Be yourself Be curious Remember you’re planting a seed, not asking Leave plenty of time for the conversation Open questions, leave pauses, be aware of non-verbal cues
Role play the legacy conversation The supporter and charity representative The observer: note what struck you as interesting about the Conversation & feedback Change over so everyone has a go
Your personal action plan What can you do tomorrow? Urgent but not important.... How can you and a colleague peer support? How can you get a trustee on your side?
Revisit objectives Identify ways to promote the opportunity for giving gifts in wills Think positively about how to overcome internal barriers Gain confidence about having legacy conversations Create a personal action plan
Research & resources THANK YOU – STAY IN TOUCH